찾으시는 취미가 있나요?

I can't do this because I'm shy, but I can't do this with my voice. Description of the character - A happy, warm-hearted mother and father of a house next door and a great war begins one day, and his father dies during the war, and his mother commits suicide, and the priest of a religion embraces him in the name of salvation, but he refuses to accept God. ※ The world above has not been destroyed. Explanation of Worldview-I don't like it. Create a new dimension in the name of God. Create a new world and live with the friends you saved from the first worldview. When it comes to the world ahead, we all hush together, saying, "Let's not spread the terrible world anymore, knowing and remembering only the offerings and friends." As much as it's a loving caricature, it's a long explanation, but if it's too long, it's a person who doesn't want to read. I've skipped a lot.
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