찾으시는 취미가 있나요?

It's Aroa! I'm not sure if I'll name it the same or separate it from my nickname 😢!! Mongoja, the title she calls herself. Called the ruler of all the world in the cosmos, He likes to hide in his world as an ordinary person and look around his children. Many people admire and miss Mongoja more than they think by going around making memories with many children. only the actual appearance of fififi No one, no one in the world, has ever seen anyone. However, since he is beautiful in disguise, he will look like a flower in real flower. If you see a person with mint-colored eyes in his or her life, You may wish to doubt the dreamer at least once. She might smile and give me a little blessing if you greet me warmly. I just wrote it, but it's really cringe-worthy. I love you, Mr. Minble. I look forward to the official launch of the class!!!😊
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