찾으시는 취미가 있나요?

1. If a professional baseball player is not a dream, details such as the snap method of the wrist and the strength of the leg muscles are not needed. As spectators, you can participate in the game and feel the joy of the moment. The problem is that there are a lot of people living their lives as if they were watching professional baseball. https://blog.naver.com/gimmachine/222145187889 - Let's not live like we watch professional baseball. 2. Business is in line with coding (programming). One incorrect parenthesis, one uppercase letter, does not work for the program. Most businesses fail because they don't try to fix this bracket (=I've worked so hard up to here). https://blog.naver.com/gimmachine/222125912221 - Don't sell clothes to the dump. 中 3. When you cook tteokbokki, you put rice cake in a frying pan after you soak it in water. You should always think like tteokbokki. What? Next. You don't have to think too hard and hard, what do I do next to make more money? This plan should always be in mind. But if you don't know what to do next, you can't put rice cakes in a frying pan even if you soak rice cakes in water. 4. When we were young, we had experiences of falling and falling thousands of times to stand up on our feet. If you were afraid of a single failure in those days, maybe you'd still walk on foot. What do you think? You're still standing on both feet. He's already done it. Likewise, if you have a big goal, you should be prepared to fall down thousands of times as you did in those days. I'll leave other examples in the comments.
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