찾으시는 취미가 있나요?

In this lecture, I especially thought deeply about the composition and understanding of the books I've been reading recently. Now I'm reading Natsume Soseki's book, "I am a Cat-Roso." When I read it as a reader (because it's a foreign literature). Through the understanding of the contents of this book and the stories of the characters, people are like this. Everyone lived like this. It was the same as now. There was this culture in this place. That's what I read. But from the editor's perspective, I was very curious about what the author wanted to include in each chapter and why he composed 11 chapters like this! Now I've read about half of the book from the perspective of the reader, but when I read it again, I think I'll have a chance to think about what the editor wanted to contain! Of course, I don't know all the answers at once, but I'm excited and curious that I have one more thing to do on my own. Thank you for the good lecture today! 🐣
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