찾으시는 취미가 있나요?

After 3 to 4 months of stock, I realized that short-term games are the best for me. Based on 500,000 won (I think it doesn't matter if I lose everything after investing in learning) in my account. Recently, I've been thinking about finding what I studied and investing in it. In the case of a downward trend: 100,000 won per stock (intensive investment in 5 stocks) Always 100,000 won for the first round of 50,000 won, or 60,000 to 70,000 won for the second round if it's ambiguous. Split purchase to minimize risk) In the case of an upward trend: With the idea of investing in more diverse ways, Split investment in 10 stocks with 40,000 won to 50,000 won. (If possible in the case of an upward trend, a stock worth 50,000 won to 50,000 won cannot be helped, but for stocks less than 20,000 won, 50,000 won is divided by the first and second installments.) We are trying to invest in that way. Until the 3rd day of the 2nd day, I had a hard time enduring losses in the stocks I had invested in without knowing anything. After listening to Joo Deok's lecture over and over again, I made an investment in stocks where the volume of transactions decreases to a slight level after 1. surge, 3. 3~5 or 10~20 (check the justification), so I made a profit for the first time today. Thank you so much. We will practice more repeatedly to increase the probability of profit.
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