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Hello, writer. I listened to the lecture yesterday and read 3 of the best books of April. 1. This life will be worthwhile (a total of 266 episodes, including 1–10 external studies), 2. Kill the Evil Girl (Read from 1 to 50 episodes) 3. We will change the genre (read from episodes 1 to 67) First, at least one of the codes of regression, ice, and reincarnation is used (1. Living once after reincarnation, then returning to 7 years old 2. Reading 3. Reading) Second. All three films are written from the perspective of the first person. (I thought it would be better to write from an omniscient writer's point of view, but I'm worried about this.) ) Third. In the beginning, the heroine shows how she will lead the story. (1. I will be the family's owner. 2. I hate the world of books, so I will die and return. 3. I will change the original genre of the novel, revenge, to another genre. ) Fourth, the heroine takes the initiative for the goal (the second piece had an initial episode that changed from a somewhat passive to an active one, but eventually took the initiative). ) #GirlCrush Fifth, the male protagonist's role is not big. (1. Although it comes out in the beginning, the part where the female protagonist achieves her goal often comes out. 2. It's hard to tell who the male protagonist is until the 50th episode. 3. Up to Episode 67 is almost nonexistent with men who seem to be male characters.) - Because there have been quite a few of the lotions I've read so far, I wondered if this was the keyword, but I don't think it's easy to conclude with Episode 3. As the writer said, I wanted to read more episodes of all three works, but I wanted to see the next lecture quickly, so I'm going to stop here and continue to read more articles from Lopan. The more I read the best, the more worried I am about whether I can write this, but I think I should trust the writer, be stubborn, and work hard on my own.
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