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Except for one mission earlier, it seems difficult to find common ground in romance code, but I tried my best to find it. I think I should read more novels and finish them to find more. As the writer said, I'll organize it steadily in my own writing notebook! 1. Female lead (1) There is a situation in the history of a woman (survival, start of a new life, unfortunate family history, need of money, etc.). (2) The objectives of Yeoju Bay, which are set, are often contrary to the propensity of Nam Joo (divorce, return to the original world, death, leaving the place, etc.) (3) Has the ability or condition necessary for the male protagonist (such as the magic of insomnia, the ability to see the male protagonist's eyes, etc.) 2. Male lead (1) There must be a deficiency or disability (insomnia, prosthetic leg, blind eye, personality breakdown, etc.) > Cause many childhood events (2) The deficiency or disability is filled or resolved due to Yeoju. (Keychain of Destiny) (3) The male character of the novel, which feels subjective but is centered on romance codes, seems sweeter and more deadly. Appearance, condition, status, etc. are very outstanding, attractive, and strong. (4) She often tries to tie up or cling to Yeoju, which is a breakthrough in her own deficiency, but often makes her feel that way. It's a different look for Yeoju. 3. The development of the novel (1) Nam Joo appeared before Episode 5 in all novels read as the author says (2) At least in episode 10, there is a situation or reason for the male and female characters to be together (contract marriage, becoming a dedicated maid). Prenatal engagement, etc.) (3) The first episode after meeting Nam Joo shows why she needs it and solves it in a small way. (Defending abusive nanny, putting insomnia to sleep with magic, etc.) (4) Even if each other's hearts are mutual, one person can't recognize his/her mind late or confess for some reason (thumb only until episode 50 or 100) (5) It always ends with a happy ending. In the case of marriage or pre-marriage, re-marriage after divorce, confirmation of true love, etc.
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