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I'm trying to proceed with the assignment with different works every time. "My blooming baby, Lord." 1. Five Elements of Yeoju (1) Strong motivation: a happy marriage to Nam Joo, who was his fiancée and saved him in his previous life. Helping to achieve the male state's goal if it doesn't work. (2) Differentiated ability: You can see around flowers bloomed by the blind male character. (3) Global Conformity: We all know the adversary's business (evil) due to regression. (4) Relationship initiative: the male subject who is blind due to a curse can be seen with the flower of the female hostess and the female subject system only in the male hostess family. (5) Acceptability: a leading, clever and loving figure of an imposing lady. 2. Characteristics of a female hostess While she was brilliant and brilliant enough to hear a schemer in her previous life, she has a girlish sensibility to endure imagining her marriage to a pregnant fiancee He was timid in his previous life, but after his return, he was confident, leading and loving. 3. Three Elements of a Male Character (1)External perfection: perfect appearance like a crescent moon with red eyes and silver hair. He uses magic that is not humane enough to think of himself as a monster. (2) The link of fate: Fertile fiancée & curse can be blind, but can be seen with flowers blooming with the power of a female hostess. Everyone is afraid of me, but Yeoju relies on herself from the moment she first sees me. (3) Fatal charm: Family users are cold enough to get used to themselves for 10 years, but sweet enough to cut the steak open to Yeoju. 4. Worldview There are four peacocks in the Empire. Geyers in the north, Elbador in the east, Anatsa in the west, and Yultesia in the south. Each duke's family has this ability and the personalities given by the first emperor. In the male family, the curse of the first emperor does not give birth to a woman, but only one child is born, so the right person is married to a young girl, and the woman becomes the head of the family. Lady's family, Elbadore (Fain), blooms on her pinky and offers personal services to her new tree.
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