찾으시는 취미가 있나요?

I have a question about the lecture from 12 minutes and 40 seconds! [Question 1] Takeback requires the body and hands to move in unison (or maintain the price), but can the hands match the body when the hands stay still and only the body moves? I've always wondered if many amateurs, myself included, have their hands stiffened at the thought of having to match their bodies. [ [Question 2] Should I think that the left hand is still (only by feeling) and the left arm is raised by the right hand hinge, not by lifting the left arm up in the backswing? [Question 3] Do you mean that it seems early because there are a lot of golfers who stretch out their hands because they think they have to pull the club out straight and take it back at the same time? That's a lot of questions. Lol. I'm so glad that the pro seems to be talking about everything I'm curious about while thinking about this and that alone. I think the questions will continue in the next lecture. Haha, please take care of me!
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