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클래스 스토리130개의 글

크리에이터가 고정함
Hello, we're FUNPPY. Full of will! Nice to meet you on the 30th project! Starting next Monday, 30 days of emoticons with 'FUNPPY' will be produced. The class starts in earnest. I'll give you some guidance. :-) ▶ Class progress period: April 12 (Mon) to May 11 (Tuesday) ▶ Video opening time: Every day between 15:00 and 16:00 pm ▶ Mission and question feedback: Every evening, between 20 and 22 (even if it's unavoidable, we'll do it by the next day! ) This class is a special class that you and I make together. That's why active participation of each other is really important :-) When the class starts, please participate every day and follow the mission well! It's my first time doing a project, so I might be lacking in some areas, but I want to make a good class with you. Please give us a lot of support. And for other classmates who are starting the challenge, please support each other with comments and likes! Then I will do my best to help you complete your 30-day journey. :-D For your information, we have opened an open chat room where you can talk comfortably with the first batch of "30 Days Project"! https://open.kakao.com/o/g7Di7f7c We will support each other's challenges and share friendship here :) Please leave your comments below for the certification, feedback, and thoughts on the course! It's nice to meet you again, and I look forward to your kind cooperation on the 30th! I'll meet you in class. - Funny Dream. - Yeah.
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Instructor, the link to the open chat room is 1:1 conversation, is that right? I thought it was a group chat room because I heard it's a place where we support each other and share our friendship, so please check it out. ^^
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I tried to make an emoticon, but with a weak will ㅠㅠ I kept delaying it... So while listening to this lecture, I want to make my own character. My goal is to submit an emoticon within a month! I'll do my best from now on. ٩( ᐛ )و
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Hello~^^ Nice to meet you. ^^ That's right - £ (Empathy X 100) I don't think it's easy to do what you want. -,£ It took me more than a year to get my first release.;;; Let's take this opportunity! Let's work hard and complete it!^^ One month! We can do it.^^
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I made it simple. I think I need to think more about my hands.
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Wow! You've been working on anime! Hahaha Thank you for your efforts. ^^ It's funny how it shines.^^ How about expressing some movement or effect on your character when you're working on it? Whether it's waving, wriggling, blinking, or just a little more movement will make it more fun.^^ Keep up the good work hard!
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I was at a loss because I thought I had to make a character first, but when I first thought about the theme of what kind of messages I wanted to express through emoticons, I came up with a variety of interesting ideas. ^^ The character's personality is determined according to the message, so I think it would be better to plan it. I want to express the specific moments that I experience in my main daily life (e.g., job seekers, dieters, etc.) in a message these days. I want to draw a character that is friendly and sometimes transforms into a completely new look.
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