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클래스 스토리2411개의 글

크리에이터가 고정함
Tumi Mr.Kim
This is Tumi Kim Je-kyung. We have prepared a lot of information for you to make substantial investments with this class. We prepared a lecture where you can choose a real complex and analyze its location. Please look forward to it. ^^
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크리에이터가 고정함
Tumi Mr.Kim
There are people who work hard on their missions, but there are people who give up. Don't think too hard, and it's a good idea to organize it simply. ^^ If it's hard to compare the price figures in detail, I think this is a better neighborhood, so it's okay to write down the existing ideas comfortably! Rather than accepting the mission as homework, if you follow it one by one, it's not just a vague way to listen to it. It's a practical analysis method that helps you find the complex you want. Please try it. ^^
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크리에이터가 고정함
Tumi Mr.Kim
2021/6/26 Hello, I'm Kim Je-kyung from Toome. The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, Seoul, and real estate measures are so hectic these days, but the 101 class notes are opening the next chapter, so I couldn't even pay attention to the comments. But when I came in, I saw the chapters that were already opened at this point, and the people who left comments, I thought I should keep up the good work. I will try to deliver a good lecture to you!
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^^ I'm so surprised that you're so busy and leaving comments. Thanks to the warden, I'm learning a little bit.
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Thank you for the cancellation of the real residence requirement for reconstruction.
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Thank you for the good information.
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크리에이터가 고정함
Tumi Mr.Kim
Looking at the mission, many people find it difficult to figure out the price of the villa. If you go to the 'Real Estate Planet' site, you can set the transaction type to 'Lion/Multi-Generation' and check the 'Transaction Year' adjustment. Unlike the actual price of apartments, it is not a specific change in the sale, but an indirect increase in the price of nearby villas with different land areas. Through this part, it is not easy to measure the price of the villa, and it is not easy to judge the appropriate price even if you think that the price is a buyer.
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