찾으시는 취미가 있나요?

Originally, the direction of wind and light was the direction of natural light falling from top left to bottom right, but I changed it to the opposite direction because I wanted to practice the reverse light in the class! - I'm curious if you don't use the basic color brush, if you use only one color brush, what other brushes do you use, or if you think it's good! But it depends on the texture and the area of taste, right? I first looked at the color brush you use, searched it, downloaded it, and used it! - I wonder what kind of skin color would be good for the feeling of being in a fresh or cool forest! (If I know a better color, I'll get feedback on it) Should I apply a color that matches the basic color of the skin? I didn't get the hang of it, so I colored it with the basic color of the character! I used green as if I were in a forest. Is it right to color the object in front of the character? - You said you use darker colors for shadows when choosing colors for backlight expressions, so is it right to use brighter colors for light expressions? I want to know how to express natural light! It's been modified a lot, but it was a lot of fun! Gradation and richer colors are much prettier than simple colors! I really want to complete the character because it's a jaccara that I love a lot! I can't wait to hear the chapter that completes the illustration! I'll take it easy and enjoy it! I hope you have a cool weekend, too! ୧(´ᴗ`)୨
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