찾으시는 취미가 있나요?

Hello, Coach. I've been following you here since I thought that you're my role model. I had to study for another certificate later this year, so I thought about it and paid today because I really wanted to learn it.^^ In my late 30s, I had my first child, lost weight, had a second child, and lived the joy of eating without exercising for a day, so I gained weight and went back to exercising and eating. I lost weight and now I eat what I want to eat and enjoy exercising every day. I'm a person who has mastered this myself. It's so fun to work out now that I feel more tired if I don't work out for a day or if I don't have muscle pain in the morning.^^ So the final goal of my life is as follows. * Acquired a certificate as a life sports instructor (22) -> Working as an athletic evangelist with talent donation for the elderly and raising self-esteem . To achieve the big goals above, the goals here are as follows. 1. Master of physical exercise know-how (I'm not going to leave out the word "coachney" in Korean)!!) 2. Increase lower body and abdominal muscle. It's hard to change baby fat to elasticity.I look forward to TRX abs exercise. For your information, I have already worked out with TRX from time to time) 3. Create outdoor exercise methods and film/share (parking blocks instead of step boxes, hanging trees or cars outside of TRX, etc.)
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