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클래스 스토리12669개의 글

크리에이터가 고정함
I'm informing you of the correction. In the case of the telecommunication business report, it was only possible to receive visits, but it is also possible to issue the Internet through the government 24.
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<Required Subscription Site> 1. German Amazon 2. With German ID 3. German Google 4. eBay 5. Home Pick Paypal Recommendation URL verification site: SCAMADVISER, TRUSTPILOT German Battleground Recommendation 1. Leehanex_ EHANEX 2. EuroLife25_ EUROLIFE25.COM Site membership completed
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I've been thinking that I have to work and earn money, but I happened to know Class 101 and I got to know YouTube. I came to think that the world has changed. I did a lot of work in production, logistics, and distribution, but I only received about 2 million won in salary compared to the stress and intensity of work. There's nothing I can do when I'm old enough to lose strength, because I think I'll live in poverty for the rest of my life, so I think it's my last chance. I've set foot in the online business. I don't want to live in poverty anymore. I don't want to go back into the field of hard work either.
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Application for business registration / Home Tax / Personal business, registration as a simple taxpayer Use category-agnostic trade names Industry code: 525105 Retail/Overseas direct purchase agency/e-commerce retail business Home Taxes to apply for the telecommunications business. Purchase safety service issued by smart store Visits can only be received Sign up for SUS, Coupang, Market, Auction, G9, 11th, Interpark, Lotte On. Global seller review 1 month > Customer Center pecking ** Imported food, health functional food, and cosmetics require permission Imported Food: Health Functional Food Education Center Education (Internet Purchasing Agency) > Application for Internet Purchasing Agency Business Registration of Imported Food Health Functional Food: Education Center for Health Functional Food Education (General Sales) > Government 24 Application for Health Functional Food Sales Report Cosmetics Responsible Sales Business: Pharmaceutical Safety Country > Electronic Complaint/Report > Application > Responsible Sales Search > 2. Simple Complaint > Registration of Cosmetics Responsible Sales Business (KRW 27,000) All Course ALLCOS > Responsible Sales Manager Non-face-to-face Collective Training (KRW 80,000) : Applicable site changeable Let's set it up one by one.
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주식회사 클래스101 | 대표 공대선 | 서울특별시 강남구 테헤란로 415, 4층(삼성동, 엘7강남타워) | ask@101.inc | 전화번호: 1800-2109 | 클라우드 호스팅: Amazon Web Services Korea LLC | 사업자등록번호 : 457-81-00277 | 통신판매업신고 : 2022-서울강남-02525 | 클래스101은 통신판매중개자로서 중개하는 거래에 대하여 책임을 부담하지 않습니다.