찾으시는 취미가 있나요?

I think it will be about -14% if we buy up to the 5th round and cut it off. Assuming that the principal was purchased at 10 million won, the first profit seems to be about 80,000 won, the second profit is about 160,000 won, and the third profit is about 240,000 won. If you break up after the fifth purchase, it'll be -1.4 million won. Assuming that 6 to 70 percent of the stocks are profitable from the first purchase and 30 percent of the rest (second, third, fourth purchase), the expected sales revenue is about 160,000 won, and then the winning rate should be approximately 90 percent to make a profitable structure. (There's a difference because it's calculated roughly by eye measure.) The winning rate is over 95 percent during the lecture, so it's a profit-making structure, but as you said, it seems to be a trade that is concerned about profit or loss, is there anything I missed?
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