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클래스 스토리4309개의 글

크리에이터가 고정함
1. I'm thirsty. - Maintaining a peaceful mind If not every moment, I hope you can review your day, purify yourself, and sleep peacefully when you go to bed. In order to do that, I think I need to improve my physical strength. Love me just the way I am. It's better than before, but I still have a side to push myself. I would like you to acknowledge yourself as you are and say that you worked hard with a affectionate heart. 2. Artwork. - Achieving economic freedom (more than 1.5 billion won) Build the house you want and live in old age. 3. Black. - Relationship where we respect each other. Even if we don't understand each other 100%, we have warm conversations based on respect. - Relationship where we can learn from each other. A relationship where we can learn even trivial things and thoughts from each other and create positive synergy. 4. Darma. - Having the most expertise when you retire. constantly learning, applying, and recording for him. - Be a guide to my colleagues. Being a cool senior who can sympathize with and solve their difficulties. I was confused between Moksha and Dharma, so I looked it up. Moksha is similar to nirvana, and Dharma is similar to vocation. Arta, Kka, and Dharma lived with thoughts, but I never thought of Moksha. Moxia is important to be happy every day, but I guess I forgot. Thank you for your enlightenment.♡
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Thinking Jeongeun
You looked back well. Specific goals are very cool. I think it's a model answer that helps other people, too! Clap clap clap clap!
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I'm reviewing it, but I think it's divided into external and internal goals. Moksha's goal for the inner state I have three external goals 1) Arta is a material goal 2) A goal related to Kkama's relationship 3) Dharma is a professional goal If you look at it like this, it'll be comfortable
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Moksha! (Moksha) (meaning 'moksha') Looking at the status quo without being swayed by emotions in any situation It's possible because life is unknown. Accepting my differences Who am I? Where am I from and where am I heading? How to live.Think about my existence art Getting my own house. Getting my car ready. Maintaining more than a certain amount of income through working life The black one Spending time alone is really good, but warm conversation. A relationship where you can share your heart that gives you strength A relationship that can share hobbies, learn, and create synergy DARMA How can my work help others? Thinking (trying to think about it even though it's annoying) I want to be professional and do my job well When I wrote it down, I felt that Moksha has a lot of weight in my life It's hard to practice, but I should try to pursue four things in a balanced way
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크리에이터가 고정함
A few years ago, when stress reached its peak, I watched a lot of YouTube videos and books about mind. Such books and videos emphasize that you should think positively. I knew it because I heard about mindfulness, but I didn't know it properly. Until now, I have told myself that if I have negative thoughts, I shouldn't think like that and just have to think positive thoughts unconditionally. In the basic section of Moksha, I realized that I didn't know that I was fully observing my mind without making a judgment or evaluating it. Also, although it hasn't been a few days, when I recorded my mindfulness, I could see how much I thought a day and how much I went back and forth accordingly. It's the first day of meditation, and when I closed my eyes, it felt like light was pouring out of darkness. And while meditating, I thought about the past, but I think I did less than I expected.^^ I will meditate and record how it was.
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Thinking Jeongeun
I think it's a really beautiful moment that it felt like light was pouring out of darkness. Meditation is not completed in a short period of time, so if you set a time and place every day (as if you set a time and place and go to the gym), you will face another experience and enlightenment. I guarantee it. :)
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크리에이터가 고정함
As I was writing, I realized again how serious dysfunctional I had been and bothered me. crying In fact, I usually try to change this dysfunctional thinking, but I can understand it with my head, but it keeps going back to square one like a devil's whisper. But I'll continue to train! 1. Incident: A few students give video lectures during real-time classes, but they receive complaints as feedback that they don't know why they do it in real-time. 2. Thinking: "What is this?" I always do my best to prepare for it. Is this all you can say? Real-time is harder for me, too. I said I was considerate, but I'm being too mean. Is the class not good? Is there something wrong with my class? I'm working hard. I'm losing energy. I hate to work. I don't want to do anything. Who are you doing this for?" I continued to think like this and ran to the end of negative thoughts. 3. Inverse thinking: excessive generalization, pessimistic thinking, emotional reasoning, etc. 4. Counterargument: Of the dozens of students taking my class, only a few have complaints. The rest of the students are listening well. I can't satisfy everyone. Let's improve the teaching method so that students can participate more by taking advantage of the advantages of real-time classes. And let's try a video lecture. Then it's comfortable for me without time constraints. People are all different, and what they think and want is all different. Don't try to get everything right!
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Thinking Jeongeun
[FAN ID]:) You wrote it really hard. Good job. In fact, if you are criticized blindly, you will naturally feel that way in the second stage 2. Still, I believe that you have felt comfortable through this work. However, rather than saying, "Don't try to match everything," I think it would be better if you kindly recognize, "I'm experiencing a lot of disappointment and loss of energy right now."
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크리에이터가 고정함
Fortunately, I wasn't living a life of immersion only in action to answer the question of what kind of existence I was living in. Rather, I was living back and forth between two states of consciousness of existence rather than action. However, I think I'm glad to apply for this class these days when I'm experiencing more painful consciousness. While teaching yoga, I read several meditation books (I also read Jeong Eun's recommended books!) I tried to get to know more about myself by writing an emotional diary. At first, I couldn't get a sense of what I noticed while staying in the present, but I read several books and practiced meditation on my own, but I think I only tasted the experience of gradually increasing the moments of gratitude and inner peace over time. So I applied for this class to experience and find out more deeply about meditation, and I'm looking forward to and curious about the next learning.
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