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클래스 스토리193개의 글

We are trying to get away from these compulsions and obstacles, such as Everyday, Habitual Writing, and Pride that Basic Skills exist. Each and every sentence of the writer seemed like my story, so it really touched me. So far, I think other people's eyes-sync and hearts-are also the biggest obstacles to my writing. However, when I looked at the writer's video and thought carefully, the biggest problem was my consciousness of other people's eyes and my desire to write perfectly. I'm going to put down my desire to become a great or outstanding writer. Rather, I will think deeply about what I really want to say and what kind of writing I can write with confidence and focus on strengthening the basics. I was so scared that I even talked about confidence and self-esteem in disclosing the article to a third party that I wanted to think of it as "sharing" rather than being evaluated. Rather than being good at writing, I want to write "Have fun and be confident." Step by step!
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Writer Hanryang
Thank you. Let's stop being greedy and start practicing now! Continuously!
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I think I'm the one who interferes with my writing. Lack of confidence and diligence seem to be my biggest enemies. I think the solution is to make a habit of writing. I hope you can make writing habits while listening to the writer's lecture. Thank you. ^^
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Writer Hanryang
Yes, first of all, check your absolute writing time and practice writing consistently!
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When I sit in front of a computer and try to write what I want to write, my head turns white and I don't know what to start, so I think the act of writing itself is getting harder and more afraid. As a result, I think the vicious cycle continues. Even though I'm not writing with such a grand dream, I'm increasingly afraid of trying out, so I want to overcome it and completely translate what I want to say into writing. I don't think I've found a solution yet. I want to overcome it through this 30th project.
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Writer Hanryang
Yoon Yoon, first of all, you have to use that white idea quickly according to the flow of consciousness. That's the first thing.
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Every time I wrote, I wondered if this article and my thoughts matched. When I try to write well, I often write something different from what I think. Even though I'm the only one reading it, it was hard to hear my whole heart when I thought someone was reading it. As a result, I was confused about which one was really mine. I wrote to organize my thoughts, but I was in a rather confusing situation. As a result, writing became more difficult. After taking the class, I think my biggest enemy was the mindset I tried to write well. Now, rather than thinking about writing well, I'm going to have a goal of expressing my real thoughts properly. Seeing that I think I should write well while writing comments now, I think I still lack a lot, but I should put down a lot while taking classes and try to write according to my goal!
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