찾으시는 취미가 있나요?

클래스 스토리15개의 글

Expectations are high.
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We finally entered after 20 minutes. It would have been convenient if I had been guided to check the text message on how to participate before entering the lecture. You don't have to refund it. I've been looking forward to this lecture. However, I checked the mail and the kakaotalk. I wonder if you could at least send me an e-mail. In this process, there is no way to inquire, and please check the comments after 20 minutes... I'm not happy to take this course. 😥
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We really feel the same way.
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Hi, Snyo and Park Chan. I'm Class 101. I'm very sorry for the inconvenience of using it, as you must have taken your precious time to apply. In this live, the link was shared via text message three times, and the link to the open chat room for entrance inquiries was also sent by text message. The problem is that the two of you did not receive the text due to an error in the text sending system. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused by not considering countermeasures for this part. I agree with you on everything you said. From now on, we will become a more advanced class 101 so that the same problem does not occur.
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Dear person in charge of Class 101, I am sorry that you did not reply to my comment, so I have no choice but to inquire about other people's comments. Before applying for the lecture, I read about how to participate in detail, but there was only an explanation that I could receive a zoom link in the open chat room, but I couldn't find the content of sending the link in the open chat room. I applied because I thought it was possible because I could not receive text messages and participate in Kakao Talk, but if I had the specific guidance, I could have asked about other ways and it would have been more perfect! (I'm practicing speaking positively as the writer said.) Thank you so much for planning and preparing these lectures and for your hard work until late at night. But as a consumer, I think I have the right to request a partial refund... I would appreciate it if you could contact me by e-mail separately.
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It's only been about 20 minutes since we started. Can I get a partial refund? I wasn't invited to the open chat, and I finally came in after seeing the link in the comments...Crying.
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The link does not come through e-mail and is not allowed to enter because it is not even an invitation to Kakao Talk. It will be difficult to attend the lecture today, please check with the person in charge.
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