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클래스 스토리135개의 글

Writer, I listened to the education with such high expectations, but it seems a little uncomfortable holding a cute puppy, so I'm writing down a small opinion in the comments! I'll continue to work hard on my lectures! Thank you for giving me a lecture!
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Hello Youngjoo, the student! First of all, it's so nice to say hello. 🥰 Thank you so much for your feedback 🥺❤️ I really appreciate each and every one of your valuable opinions. Feel free to tell me:) I think Agong might have looked like that! Definitely. 😂 KUN was the mascot of Kunder Shop in the beginning, but in the second half, he doesn't appear except for the intro. Haha Thank you so much for your suggestion. 💗 I'll continue to communicate with you through comments. Youngjoo! Your feedback is always welcome 🎶🎶 Let's run together!🥳🥳
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Hi, there!
I didn't know the lecture would be this detailed..I'm so grateful that you're trying so hard to teach me in many ways. I knew this function, but I didn't know there would be a Photoshop action function. Since you're revealing your tips in detail, I'll make sure to refer to them. I don't know if you chose convenience store delivery because GS is the most suitable..There are a lot of cu here, so I'd like to ask if there are any other convenience store packages that you can recommend
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I wonder if my painting will be commercial.
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Hello Jane! It's really nice to say hello like this. :) That's right, I think it's the part you're most worried about at first. I understand Jane's mind a hundred times because I'm always worried about how the demand will turn out from the perspective of being on sale for years. But I think the goods market has its advantages in that regard! Without investing large quantities and capital from the beginning, you can show your work activities step by step on SNS and start producing small quantities of more responsive works to increase the brand's product value more safely. If you upload your work continuously from now on and expose it more, you will definitely be able to get help from the demand survey. :) I also uploaded pictures on SNS even before the full-scale sales, but at first, of course, the number of people coming in is small, so will this help? I wanted to, but in conclusion, I was able to get a lot of help. It's inevitable that there can't be a lot of inflow from the beginning, regardless of the writer or brand, and it's very helpful to meet with the public as soon as possible *_* Starting with five followers, the number of people riding in and coming in increased every time I uploaded hard, so I was able to check the reactions and get directions through them I think the first time is the biggest concern about the merchantability in many ways. So did I. ㅠ_ㅠ But now I agree that beginning is half the battle. Jane is also energetic! I hope you can get started. Thank you ♥_♥ See you often in the future :)
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Like those two instructors, I want to capture the characteristics of my dog and draw it perfectly, but I can't do that 😂 I'm practicing hard using pictures of other animals that are relatively easy to draw and have large characteristics! But when I drew it, it looked like a character I've seen before.Crying. I'm a bit disappointed that it's not just my character. crying How much practice do I have to practice to make my own character ㅠㅠ I felt that the instructor was amazing and wonderful while drawing it. 👍👍 I want to hurry up and make my dog a cute character, too! Haha Oh! And I think the comments you posted to the weasel student above after not being able to go through this chapter for two days are very helpful! Thank you :)
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