
노래로 배우는 세상 <Christmas>

챕터 1개 · 31분
오디오 영어

[What We Will Learn]

We will…

  • learn and respect various cultures.

  • know the true meaning of Christmas and think of those going through difficult times around us.

[Merry Christmas with JunyTony!]

Choopy-choopy-choopy-choo! Merry Christmas!

Why does Rudolph have a red nose?

What kind of gift will you get this Christmas? Have you been good or bad?

It’s always a merry Christmas with JunyTony!

JunyTony’s exciting stories, fun songs, and knowledge are ready in this series!

[This Is for YOU!]

  • If Christmas is your favorite holiday,

  • If you can’t wait for Santa Claus and Rudolph,

then this is just for you!

[JunyTony 'Holiday Series' Is Special!]

Easy and fun stories for kids with KizCastle's excellent music and videos enrich children's sensitivity and creativity.

Also, children will be motivated to learn and sing a variety of new knowledge with their curiosity.

Meet JunyTony's songs and stories that families can enjoy together today!





"A world where you learn through singing"

KizCastle studies children's happiness.

We deliver precious values and amazing and various knowledge that children must know to children in the most beautiful and sophisticated music of KizCastle.




Early childhood education experts gather to always think about the most beneficial things for children.

It is KizCastle's mission to make children keep smiling.

We want to show and play only the most beautiful things to children with the music and design of KizCastle, recognized by the world.

주니토니 동요동화

주니토니 동요동화

JunyTony Songs and Stories

JunyTony Songs and Stories



이 클래스와 비슷한 추천 클래스

전세사기 남 일 같나요? 제대로 알고 내일 당장 부동산 계약하기부동산  |  쪼변


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주식회사 클래스101
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