찾으시는 취미가 있나요?

Hello Classmates, we'll see you soon! A welcome package arrived from Korea this week. I received a material kit for my Cake Pops/Popsicle course. Due to the corona, there were not many flights, so the international shipping situation was not normal at the moment, so I was worried. To make it easier for classmates to get it after a car, we have only organized kits with materials that are available in Korea. Conversely, I purchased the kit materials from the company to produce the course with our kit materials, not German materials. The part that I felt sorry about when I made up the kit was that I couldn't get a pendant in Korea. The company in charge of my material kit imported the pendant this time! It's a good job, especially since it's included in the kit. Most of all, our classmates will be able to buy it easily from domestic buyers. Thank you for your patience. As long as you wait, I'll see you soon with a fruitful and practical course. Aren't our kit ingredients so pretty?
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