찾으시는 취미가 있나요?

Hello. The opening date of Feng Shui Interior is just two days away. I wanted to say thank you to everyone who supported me and waited for me. ^^ Since the course opening was confirmed, we have been constantly creating and modifying contents. We've been running for the opening on March 3rd, but... Two months was not enough time for me to post 57 full lectures. ^^; I will try harder so that all courses can be opened sequentially by mid-March. I recommend that you relax and slowly study all the classes in order. If you put down your mind to memorize or memorize it, watch it once and review it again, you'll understand some parts of it. The important content was made easy for you to understand through repeated learning, and the unfamiliar terms of feng shui were reduced to the fullest extent possible so that you could approach them in familiar ways. Then I'll see you on March 3rd.
원본 보기


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