찾으시는 취미가 있나요?

Hello, are you having a peaceful weekend afternoon? You have added more detail to the Demand Survey page! Resin crafts that can be used endlessly and contain important contents. Start with a class full of Eliot's own know-how.~ ;D 🌷Two Ways to cheer🌷 1. Cheers at 101 won 2. Get free cheering tickets from the Class 101 app and cheer for them 🍒If you can cheer now 🍒 1. [30,000 won discount coupon] will be provided for the supporters only.💕 2. The survey will help me communicate my opinions about the classes I want 💕 3. We are the first to deliver news about the class production process and event 💕 I will return your interest and support with the contents of the class and quick feedback. ;)
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