찾으시는 취미가 있나요?

During the first lesson, I ask some questions to the students. ▫fiHave you ever learned to play the piano? ▫fiWhy did you come here to learn? ▫Do you have a song that you're aiming for? The previous two questions were answered by everyone, but the last question was answered in half. The reason is that there is a song that I want to play, but it will be too difficult.There are times when I can't set a goal because I don't know what songs I want or what songs I have these days. Set a target song when you first start or restart the piano! 1. Easy song to complete in a short period of time 2. A song I want to complete this year 3. Songs I'd like to play for life. If you start playing the piano with these three songs in mind, you will have greater motivation and interest in music.💛 📣 Pick your first target song from my curriculum song! I'll continue to recommend songs to feed.😌
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