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Hello, I'm Soobin from the Recovery Center. My Reformer (Gugu Pilates) exercise class 101 is on sale for 'Super Early Bird' 1️⃣Do you have any particular recommendations for this class? - People who need to check my physical condition. - People with stiff shoulders and necks. - A person who lives with hip, pelvis, back pain. - People who need to lose weight with a solid body line Those of you who were curious about my class, The offline members are waiting for the class...! > < ) 2️⃣Tell us what you want to show off in this class! As a physical therapist, I teach you exercise with an understanding of the basic composition and movement of the human body. And I have experienced various sports, and I have a license to teach, license to teach. In addition, you can do attractive exercise effectively with a device called a reporter pilates at home. 3️⃣What curriculum does it consist of? Starting with the basic strength to double the effect of exercise, I organized the curriculum to stretch, core, upper and lower body, aerobic exercise (shoulder, neck, hip joints), so shall we go forward together? 4️⃣ What is different from YouTube? If the video uploaded on YouTube is a short sitcom, I would like to express that class video is a big drama about everything. Overall, it will be more detailed and slowly working out with you. The biggest advantage is that we send you the kit, so you can follow the video as well. 5️⃣ Does Pilates work out? Are you losing weight? Can a man do it? Weight exercise = Exercise against gravity! Therefore, Pilates is also a muscular exercise. Of course it works out. You know that just walking steadily makes you lose weight and exercise, right? Experience Pilates. You can feel the body finding its place. As a result, weight loss and body line improvement are the effects that follow unconditionally. The original name of Pilates is 'Contrology'. This is the exercise that a man named Joseph Pilates made during the war as the founder of the movement that controls my body. Men and women of all ages do not distinguish themselves in sports. - For your information, the discount is huge only for Super Early Bird! Get it now! 😊 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
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