찾으시는 취미가 있나요?

Hello, I'm Macramejoanna.🌿 It's already been 5 days since we started the demand survey! Nearly 140 people participated in the cheering. 💞 Thank you so much For this class, if you've learned the basic knot method in the first class, I think it will be a class where you can naturally learn the application knot method used in making more difficult works! This is the next level class of my class 'Macramet knot accessories drawn with two hands and thread' within class 101. :) It's a class for those who understand the knot more than beginners! If you support the class during the demand survey, we're offering you a 30,000 won discount coupon.🌸 If Early Bird opens, you can get an additional 30,000 won discount on Early Bird discount.☺ Then have a nice day today.
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