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Hello, I'm Vivian, an English instructor :D Cheer for us in the class scheduled to open 💚 Please press~~~~ After opening the class, cheer certification + course registration event! Hello, I am Vivian, an English instructor! [Class 101] [10 Minute Miracle] Grammar and English writing at once! Class book event How to Participate in an Event * CONTACT: [10 Minutes Miracle] For those who have purchased class tickets, The new Grammar & Writing (total volume 4) [Full price 56,000 won] textbook is provided free of charge! * Period: Until the first 100 people close after Early Bird opens * How to apply: Please fill out the survey contents and consent to use personal information through the link below. https://forms.gle/VsmEoZ7hHKxGufNaA Books are sent sequentially before class launch. ✨ Please read it✨ *Books will process a refund if you cancel your class purchase. The refund fee will be paid by the buyer. * Refund is not available if there is damage to the book. * If a refund is not possible, book fees will be deposited separately.   We need your participation. Thank you. :) -English instructor Vivian Dream-
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