찾으시는 취미가 있나요?

*Translate into Chinese, join us._💜 I am Chara, a self-proclaimed woman who is dating Chinese and working as an emotional translator. I majored in Chinese literature, but I used to do writing because I liked writing, and one day I fell in love with Chinese and am living as a Chinese fan. It has been 10 years since I jumped into the world of translators as if I were heading to a bare land without going through an interpreter's graduate school or a translation academy and lived as a "writing Chinese translator." One day, I happened to meet a healing phrase in Chinese, so I started translating Chinese sensibility. I opened the class because I wanted to tell you how warm and beautiful Chinese can be. The black Chinese on the ground will be a class where you can feel the joy of being born into Korean through my hands. Would you like to translate the Chinese essay together?
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