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Hello, I'm storyteller Atom. The early bird selling opening of "Atom's DIY Doll Theater" has finally begun at Class 101 Kids. With your enthusiastic support, we made it with excitement and excitement. "Children's variety of reading experiences". I'm going to make all the games in the world that I can play with picture books with my children. "Atom's DIY Puppet Theater" was the children's favorite on the spot, Out of the programs that teachers are satisfied with, I organized things that were linked to Korean language textbooks. Panel theater puppet shows can "meet the main character," "if I were the main character," "express emotions and share similar experiences," "total crafts linked to books," and "storytelling," and have the advantage of developing imagination and creativity in this process. I looked back on the path I walked while preparing for this class. I'm an adult who makes movies, writes books, works as a radio writer, and reads picture books. I've lived... I hope you can enjoy storytelling with more children. I think it was to share it with you. Please look forward to it.^^ ----- [Golden time for reading habits, play a puppet show with books!] It's a class! It is a class where you can enjoy puppet shows based on traditional fairy tale picture books and self-produced panel theater kits. For children and parents who are tired of staying at home, we prepared a solid curriculum of 12 weeks. It is a 55% discount during the Super Early Bird period, and we have prepared a 30,000 won special coupon for our followers. If you enter "Atom" in the coupon code at the purchase stage, it will be available and will be provided with limited quantity, so please use it if you are interested.^^ It's on a first-come, first-served basis, so please refer to the method below and get the maximum discount. Purchase method: Class 101 "Atom" search. How to use coupons: Enter coupon code "Atom" at the purchase stage. Coupon usage period: Before the launch date (12/1 noon), https://class101.page.link/uaCR
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