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This is an e-book update (revised version) notice for Danta Commando. Hello, I'm YUNTA~ The revised version of the Danta Commando will be completed on June 1, 2002. I wrote more details on my blog. https://blog.naver.com/yunjjang86/222721568500 (Yunta's e-books continue to evolve) Even now, the contents of e-books are fighting in the market every day. All buyers can get the revised version for free regardless of the period. The market is going to be very difficult (falling), so it's perfect for raising your investment level at times like this. I hope this revised edition will serve as an opportunity to show off my desire to study again. Thank you. P.S. Revision work is not finished yet. The part that I got the most questions about is choosing the game, so I'm going to focus on that part in detail
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