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We invite students to the 1st Kim Ik-han Lecture Talk Show Elephant! You must have been sad to see us only online, right? Let's make eye contact offline now. The theme of the first talk show is 'Jealousy'. Even if you touch your smartphone a few times, you'll be able to live It's an age where you can look into it easily. It's called cat life, and as I keep looking at it, envy grows. Envy, Can I just pretend I'm not and turn away? Let's face it together. Professor Kim Ik-ik presents a different perspective on envy. Please tell us how you feel. You can talk about envy or share your concerns. The professor is ready to listen with all his heart. Let's meet now. Let's solve each and every task of life together. Don't walk alone, let's talk and walk together. 2022.07.09 (Sat) 2 PM Mapo Central Library Manjung Hall (6th floor) 👉 Application link (first-come, first-served 300): https://forms.gle/d93rNczoZs2XHosf9
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