9 chapters · 4 hours 31 minutes
English · Japanese · Korean|Audio Korean

Clip Studio, to tablet
5 Class Projects

It takes about 2 hours hour(s) to complete each project.

  • Create a character

  • Emoji

  • walking animation

  • Animation completed

  • Blink of an eye animation

Skills You’ll Learn

Clip Studio features

You'll learn about Clip Studio's layers, interface, and animation features.

Create cute characters

Create your own unique cute character

Basic animation

You'll learn how to blink an eye or walk

Create emoticons

You can create emoticons that contain the emotions and actions of the characters

walking animation

I'm going to make a walking animation

jump animation

I'm going to learn the jumping motion

It's a boogie that enjoys animation.

Hello, I like making GIFs puffinessIt's. I usually use Clip Studio to create animations, but a lot of Clip Studio users around me find it difficult. I'm going to create lessons that are easy for Clip Studio users to use and that even beginners can learn.

Start by creating your own character with Clip Studio!

Clip Studio has a lot of useful features. As convenient as it is, there are many features, so many people find it difficult. Starting with the basic settings in this class How to use shortcuts, interfaces, and layersLet's learn step by step.

First of all, if you want to draw an animation or a picture, you'll need a character. I like creating my own character or a character that represents myself. Your own cute characterLet's start by making:)

Dealing with animation features

Animation features, how to key onion skins, and how to create animation folders can be difficult at first. Step-By-Step Layout, Timeline-like Clip Studio Animation featuresI'm going to touch them.

Furthermore, I'm going to cover basic animation,

Animation isn't as difficult as you might think! If you're a painter, you'll try out a lot of blinking animations. The blink of an eye will all give you a different feeling. I'll show you the animation of Feeling Starry Snow!

Let's create emoticons that vividly represent your mood and state of affairs using the characters you've created. In class, you'll learn the basic settings required to create emoticons, motion actions, and file saving settings.

Natural and vibrant

The secret to creating animation

Used to create natural animations The principles of animationThere's one. Even if you follow a few important principles, you'll be able to create vibrant animations.

Let's go deeper and show you some lively animations, from fun motions, layout settings, and camera moves! Perfect because I even added a background short animationLet's make one!

So, let's get started together?

If I didn't know anything, I wouldn't be able to find everything in my search. Difficult Clip Studio Now let's learn easily together! Let's grow together.





Hello, this is BboogiG

When nearby users were animating for the first time

They had a lot of trouble and asked me a lot of questions.

That's why I made it to help more people!

I hope everyone can easily animate in the future

I also enjoy making animations.







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