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Maca drawing
12 Class Projects
It takes about 15 minutes hour(s) to complete each project.
Ronnie & Ted
Sunday morning
striped bear
Raccoon who went shopping
The hipster lion
Monglemongle rabbit
La La Land
Short padding deer
Calm Fox
Chic Jaguar
Characters, plants, animals, and the basics of the human body
Picture frame
Skills You’ll Learn
What do you learn?
Learn the basics of maca drawing and a drawing approach unique to ping pong pong
Draw a portrait of an animal blooming at the fingertips of a monglemongle
Animals reveal the target's character well, and are a great material for practicing drawingIt's. Learn how to draw animal portraits in this class Give a picture a specific characterTry it, Applied to various animalsLet's try it too!
Proportionality and characteristic personality of eyes, nose, and mouthIf you hold it well, it's better than I thought Animal portraits that are easily associated with a specific personYou can draw.
Once you get used to drawing out the characteristics of people and drawing them as animals Apply a variety of hairstyles and fashionsLet's try it! You can create even more charming and lovely animal portraits.
I want to draw The process of observing the characteristics of an object and expressing it with an animal portrait, and a unique way to finish with a variety of hairstyles and fashionsLet me tell you more about!
You can create simple drawings by yourself, and even lovely goods!
From the initial stage of drawing, Share every process carefully so that you can continue your creative work on your ownI plan to do it for you. Ping Pang Pong's Guidecon Complete your own maca drawing in a compact and simple wayTry it out!
Completed Scan, correct, and digitize picturesDoing the process and various things Reborn as merchandiseThe teaching process is also done together in class.
Keep your own animal portraits longer with lovely goods.
Class Duration
- A total of 6 chaptersIt will be held at, and the curriculum may change in part.
- A total of 30 worksWhile drawing together, when it comes to drawing a work It takes 30 minutes to 1 hourIt will be.
- The time required may vary from person to person.
- Of the class Part of it is done using the CS6 version of PhotoshopIt will be. A separate installation of the Photoshop program is required for smooth lessonsI will.
I don't have to worry about anyone else.
Let's draw a small, sloppy, yet lovely picture.
Like a nicely dressed little gentleman.
- 100 plain Tintoretto postcards (5x7cm)
- Sakura micron pen (0.25mm)
- Copic Sketch Maca, 15 in a single color (100/w0/w2/w4/w6/e41/r20/bv23/g12/b93/e13/bv31/e04/e01/b32)
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❗️ You will be notified in advance when the kit components are changed.
ping pang pong
Hallo “Ping Pang Pong” is a mongle-mongly character brand.
I draw pictures that are moderately cute and moderately serious.
I think painting becomes even cooler if you clear your mind of trying to draw well.
I think for a long time and draw short pictures.
I want to share that feeling.
Thank you:)