
Motion Graphics: Animated Messages & Illustrations with After Effects

11 chapters · 11 hours 18 minutes
English · Japanese · Korean|Audio Korean

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AE, Ai, Ps / Tablet
6 Class Projects

It takes about 1~6 hours hour(s) to complete each project.

  • Shape Layer Animation

  • Sticky Animation

  • Morphing Animation

  • Character Animation

  • Liquid Animation

  • Video Animation

Skills You’ll Learn

After Effect Interface

The main program we will be using to create our animations is Adobe After Effects. Learn about the tools and shape layers we will use on After Effects.

Effects and Expression

Effects and expressions will help you add style to your animations. Learn how to add different elements at only a few clicks.

The Principles of Animation

To be able to create animated messages, you must first have a strong foundation of the principles of animation. I’ll walk you through the theories of animation through simple practices.

Character Animations

You can bring your characters to life with animations. Learn how to create both a walking and running animation effect to your character illustrations.

Frame by Frame Animations

A frame by frame animation is made up of many still images that are combined to give the semblance of motion. Learn how to create each frame, piece by piece, until you get a full animation.

Video Based Animation

You can use a video as a reference to mimic motion in your animations. I will show you how you can base your character movements on real videos and mimic them in your animations.

The Whole Process

Once you’ve mastered all the individual elements that make up animated illustrations, I’ll show you my process of creation, from planning to inserting motion.

Useful Scripts

What is Motion tool Duik? How does it help with creating animations? I’ll answer these questions and give you several other tips that will serve useful when taking your animations to the next level.

Express Yourself through Animated Messages

Hi. I’m Sai, a motion graphics designer. I mainly work on epic motion graphics through illustrations, logos, and character designs.

Motion Graphics that Catch the Eye with Colorful Movements

Motion graphics have the power to delight the viewer's eyes while effectively delivering what they intend! Have you ever wondered how they were made watching illustrations or hand-drawing videos on TV or YouTube?

In this class, we will create high-quality motion graphics with various effects using illustrations drawn directly with a tablet. If you create motion graphics using illustrations, you can express more freely and express your own personality, so the process is difficult, but when you complete it, you will be so satisfied.

Watch your Illustrations Come to Life

The images we see in our imaginations are usually full of movement. I’ll show you how to recreate those scenes in animations.

Firstly, we will learn about the After Effects interface, and start with the basic principles of animation, and then move onto various types of animations. You won’t be a professional animator overnight, but I'll teach you how to add movements one by one. It requires a bit of simple and repetitive work! With a little bit of patience, a wonderful piece of art will be completed.

  • Shape Layer Animations: We will learn about the shape layer, the basic layer for creating shapes.
  • Liquid / Sticky Animations: We will learn how to express liquid objects and create animations that look as though they are flowing.
  • Morphing Animations: We will create an animation using a technique that transforms the shape of an object into a completely different shape, from point A to point B.
  • Character Animations: We will draw a character using a tablet and create an animation that gives movement to your characters and bring them to life.
  • Animation using video references: Lastly, after drawing characters based on key motions derived from videos, we will create a lively animation with detailed motions.

So that You can Create On Your Own

Animation itself is a process that requires a lot of time and concentration. However, I will share my work process from planning to motion so that you can work efficiently without difficulty. Take a look at how I work and I’ll share with you some useful tips you can use to get a higher quality result!

Class Kit · Coaching Session

In this class: Learn how to use Adobe After Effects, Photoshop, & Illustrator

  • You need to have your own After Effects, Photoshop & Illustrator Program to take the class. For more information, please visit here.
  • Please Note: Students will have to purchase 'After Effects, Photoshop & Illustrato' application. It is not included in the course package.

  • Below tool will be used during the class. You can also order the Wacom to elevate the learning experience.

  • CT4100WKL0
  • CT6100WKL0

| 🛎 KIT FAQ |

Q. How does the shipping process work?

A. The kit will be shipped out within 24 hours after your order got confirmed, and there will be a cancellation fee or change from this point on. Each kit has a different delivery courier, so you cannot request a specific courior or delivery date.

Q. What can I do for a damaged kit?

A. We are keeping our products at the best quality possible, but if you received a damaged kit, you can contact the Help center for replacement or refund within a month from the date of your receipt. We cannot accept returns or exchanges without prior notice.

Q. Can I change my shipping address?

A. You can change your shipping address by contacting CLASS101 Help Center.

**Note: Changes are ONLY possible for orders that haven’t entered the shipping process.

**Please triple check your shipping address

If your order is already shipped out, you CANNOT change your shipping address at the moment.

Q. How long does it take to receive my kit?

A. It usually takes about 2 weeks after your order is shipped out. You will also get a notification email where you can check your tracking number for the detailed delivery status of your order. If you still have concerns you can contact CLASS101 Help Center.

Q. What if my kit was delivered to the wrong address?

A. You can contact CLASS101 Help Center to request a “Change of address”.

**Note: There will be an additional shipping charge for this process.

Class Curriculum1

Motion Graphics: Animated Messages & Illustrations with After Effects

Class details

February 11, 2020 수강 시작
Rookie Difficulty · Video 38 · Attached file 40
총 11 hours 18 minutes
Korean voice
Korean · English · Japanese Subtitles




Hi, I’m graphic designer Sai.

I worked for a long time on a broadcasting side, and now I am working as a freelancer. I mainly work with illustrations and based on the knowledge I’ve accumulated, I would like to give you a fun look into what I do.

I've loved animation for a long time. As a result, I naturally became interested in characters and movements, and after looking for work related to them, I found what I’m doing right now. As you progress through the class, I hope you will also feel the joy of animating your characters.



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Notes on Copyright Protection

  • All videos and materials included in the class are protected intellectual property under relevant laws.
  • You may face legal action if you copy, distribute, transmit, modify or edit the videos or materials included in the class without permission.
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