Becoming a Better Parent: Choi Hee-soo's Method for Inner Child Recovery

8 chapters · 6 hours 2 minutes
English · Japanese · Korean|Audio Korean

Do you know the wounded inner child that remains inside of us?

My parents didn't recognize my inner child when I was young, so I can't even acknowledge it myself, Needs and feelings that remain a shadow of the unconsciousIt refers to.

If you don't heal your wounded inner child, life becomes difficult because it transcends time and space and pops out of everyday life. The root of all addictions and compulsionsIt comes from an inner child who has been hurt.

Especially at the point where anger occurs while raising a child An inner child who has been hurt It's there. As a child, the wounds received by children are remembered and known to their bodies, but they cannot be understood from consciousness, so everyday life is uneasy.

To heal this wound, we need to be aware of the wounds we received as a child and face our unresolved feelings. If you don't know this, the same problems will happen over and over again.

If you take this class, you can be aware of what problems you have while raising children, and you can heal while facing your emotions, so you can raise children well, I'm happy because I also grewYou can do it.

The way to a happier life for both my child and me

No matter what kind of treatment you've tried so far Unresolved issuesThrough healing an inner child who has been hurt miraculously healedI hear a lot of people saying thank you for being here. The healing of this wounded inner child is as fast as riding in an elevator, and people around you know it first. Because when an inner child who has been hurt is healed, his facial expressions come back to life, he becomes healthy, and his power of choice becomes stronger. New creationsIt becomes easier to cause.

If an inner child who has been hurt doesn't heal, at least Passed on to descendants over 5 generationsIt will be. By breaking this wound in our generation My kids happy lifeI want to live.

Hello, Blue Eum is Choi Hee-soo, director of the Education Research Institute.

I have an inner child who was hurt when I was 13 months old because my mom left me and stayed at home for 6 months and was abandoned. Therefore, in order not to be abandoned anymore, I had a hard time playing the most part as a boy.

I had a watcher inside me who was always watching me. I sensed at age 25 that I had an inner child who was hurt by me, but I didn't know how to heal, so I spent 34 years trying to find a healing method.

In the meantime, I have given more than 5,000 lectures, met hundreds of thousands of people, counseled, healed, and traveled inward. Now I'm healed from my inner wounds and I'm at peace. What if If everyone knew about the healing of the wounded inner child I experienced, I could go with that kind of serenity, and the world would be a little brighter.

So that I and my child can grow together

Since children reflect on us like a mirror, we can immediately find out what wounds are in our unconscious mind, and parents love their children, so they don't want to hurt their children, so they grow by facing and healing their emotions.

  • introductionA wounded inner child and caring love
  • It deals with the four themes of caring love: “Eyes, Listening, Empathy, and Skinship,” and what an inner child who has been hurt is.

  • Chapter 1 │ There are certain rules of development: The core of Taigyo is illusion
  • Learn how damage during development from the beginning of pregnancy to 72 months affects the future.

  • Chapter 2Why raising children is so difficult
  • While raising a child, they are aware that the problems they encounter in their daily lives, such as “eating problems, sleeping problems, whining problems, greetings, etiquette issues, and study problems,” come from an inner child who has been hurt.

  • Chapter 3Face-to-face: Feelings disappear when experienced with the body
  • You will learn specific examples of how to bring out an unconscious, wounded inner child in healing language and face it.

  • Chapter 4Growth: Time to get to know yourself
  • Through consciousness guidance, you will learn about wealth, health, and how couples can be in harmony.

  • Chapter 5 Healing a Broken Inner Child: Addressing Current Problems
  • It answers frequently asked questions such as depression, self-pity, insomnia, addiction, guilt, trauma, waste wall, and addiction to shame.

If you follow along step by step through the class, you will be able to find a way to reconcile with the wounded inner child within you and move forward with serenity. Let's embark on a journey of reconciliation with my sad past and moving forward on a new path together.

Class Kit · Coaching Session

📧 Get a 1:1 consultation with wound healing expert Choi Hee-soo! (2 times)

  • You can ask one question per consultation ticket.
  • You can use this consultation ticket more effectively if you learn about the overall content of the class, define your concerns, and request a consultation. Once you have fully understood your inner child, please write down your own story in detail and send it to us.
  • Answers will be written within 800 characters per question and sent sequentially on Tuesday and Thursday, and will be answered as soon as possible, but it may take up to a week if there are many questions from other people.

📍 [Counseling about an inner child who has been hurt]:

  • In the process of searching for the wounded inner child within you, you can ask questions about the areas that need coaching.
  • In the process of reconciling with the inner child, each person has a healing language which is the key to unlocking suppressed feelings. In the coaching ticket, we will teach you the healing language and examine the healing process individually.
  • We will explain the various phenomena that occur during the healing process and tell you how to take action. The process of mourning loss in a safe environment involves deep anger and grief, and feeling the senses can be painful because you have to face your emotions. This is a natural part of the healing process, but if you don't know it, you can avoid it and get sick.
  • After going through this process, your mind becomes calmer, your choices become free, and your life is energized. Coaching efficiently helps the healing process take place naturally by not being evaded, even if feeling is painful.

📍 [Counseling on book parenting]:

  • Regarding book parenting, I will tell you more about the steps for children to become fond of books and the process.
  • Also, if parents get stuck while raising a child with a book, underneath that is an emotional wound is an inner child who has been hurt. The reason a child does not read a book is if there is no book that matches the child's level of consciousness, or if the parents put emotional pressure on the child to look at the book, so reading becomes a learning experience.
  • In the latter case, it means that parents are hurt about studying. Coaching related to book parenting is not just about recommending books, but parents themselves love books, so they become models for their children and help them grow.



Parenting Counselor Choi

Parenting Counselor Choi

Hallo I'm Choi Hee-soo, an expert in wound healing for inner children. Blue, known as book parenting, created education, and has written 5 books so far. Recently, I wrote “Mirror Parenting” as my final book on wound healing. Blue is working to create a happy world for our children, parents, and everyone through education.

We know that Blue has an inner child who has been hurt by his parents as he nurtures talented people who have a strong inner light and are in harmony with intelligence and sensibility through education. It is difficult to fully raise a child without healing this wound, so I spent the past 10 years studying and researching healing for an inner child who has been hurt. Now that I've completed a specific healing method for my wounded inner child, I'd like to share it with everyone.



푸름이교육연구소 TV

푸름이교육연구소 TV

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