Smart store textbook for the top 1%, top impressions, and revenue growth strategies

8 chapters · 5 hours 4 minutes
English · Japanese · Korean|Audio Korean

Naver Shopping, Smart Store

Want to be in the top 1%?

I am Dongbi TVI run a YouTube channel called, and my main job is a smart store advertising marketer. As a result, we have been working together on the growth process of many companies, from newly opened stores to premium stores, and we have responded by using all kinds of means and methods to solve various problems that have arisen during operation.

단2일만에 네이버쇼핑 2위 달성!!! 그 방법을 전부 공개합니다.

▶ Reached 2nd place in Naver Shopping in just 2 days!!! We will reveal all the methods.

📍 So now I have information that I have learned more clearly than anyone else.

  • The fastest way for your store to grow
  • What not to do that many companies are missing
  • Conversely, what you must do for sales and growth

We'll tell you all about it in this course.

For those who want to go higher quickly

This is a course I've prepared.

  • Raising sales and shopping rankings Product Registration Act
  • Optimizing exposure Keyword registration law
  • No one can do it How to edit or cancel price comparison information
  • Companies with a top impression success rate of 90% or more Pilgrimage strategy analysis

If you want to set up the basic smart store settings, you can refer to other courses or YouTube. This course is not about teaching you how to get started This is a course that teaches you how to succeed quickly.

How to become a smart store & Naver shopping master

Do not follow the instructions and use it!

📗If it “fits well” with Naver Guide, future revisions are extremely difficult and dangerous.

  • If a product is registered according to the Naver Guide only, the product may be deleted due to reasons such as ID reuse or duplication if we later modify it in the desired direction. In fact, it's been happening a lot recently.
  • There is no choice but to be helpless against competitors' reports.

📗 But what if you know the guide exactly and “use” it?

  • To the extent that you do not eat sanctions at both Naver Smart Store and Naver Shopping, you can modify the product to optimize it according to your own taste in the future.
  • Instead of being caught up in competition where your product can't be used and have to be reported, you can sanction a competitor's wrong product.

The first button to start a shopping mall

“Product registration” is really important.

스마트 스토어 이것만 알고 있다면 100% 1. 상품 삭제 예방! / 2. 유입수 노출수 증가!

▶ Smart store 100% if you only know this 1. Prevent product deletion! /2. Increased number of inflows and impressions!

There are many situations where initially registered product names, options, and price comparisons cannot be modified later.

though Depending on how you register for the first time, you can do as many tasks as you like, such as bundling price comparisons, preventing them from being tied, or unbundling them even if they are tied up.

Of course, there is a way to solve the problem even if the registration is already incorrect. Disabling the price comparison is not easily approved by Naver, but we will also suggest some ways to fully cancel this part without deviating from Naver's standards.

Currently, those who have taken my course are doing these tasks very easily and are seeing great results.

수강생 후기

▶ Student reviews

수강생 후기

▶ Student reviews

Not publicly obtainable

This is the real information of the incumbent.

I'm not dealing with plain stuff like how to set up a smart store basic.

  • Important ways to generate revenue
  • The fastest way to rank higher
  • Information that cannot be obtained publicly because it is related to Naver ranking logic

All information is obtained after direct testing, and in order to avoid the error of hasty generalization, we have repeatedly tested various companies and products, and only those parts that we think are reliable information will be summarized and announced.

I promise.

I don't want to say anything about the quality of my lectures. I can only promise this one thing.

  • We will take responsibility for improving your smart store skills.
  • We'll open your eyes to areas you haven't seen.

This is a review from someone who met me and changed.

  1. The inflow increased more than 3 times in just one month (143 people -> 478 people)

Total inflows as of July 31 143

Power - Big Power Shop Standard

Total inflows as of August 31478 people

As a result, of course, sales More than 2 times It's up.

It's not about drawing in water from outside at an additional cost. I just optimized my products so that they could be exposed to more keywords one by one.

Using all methods to expose my current products as much as possible. and Making the best use of gaps in standards for imposing sanctions in smart stores. This is the point.

Are you starting out for the first time?

If so, please read the email below.

동비님 감사합니다. 동비님 덕분에 한달만에 파워 등급 달았습니다.

동비님 감사합니다. 동비님 덕분에 한달만에 파워 등급 달았습니다.

동비님 감사합니다. 동비님 덕분에 한달만에 파워 등급 달았습니다.

동비님 감사합니다. 동비님 덕분에 한달만에 파워 등급 달았습니다.

▶ Thank you, Dongbi. Thanks to Dongbi, I got a power rating in just one month.

Delete all the products that were posted at random
I registered according to the method Dongbi told me.
Surprisingly, there was an influx from then on
Purchases began to take place.

Thank you

There was no sales for 1 year and 6 months after opening, and then on October 7, 2020, when the product was removed and newly registered, you registered as I told you. Since October 10, there has been a gradual response, and you can see that inflows and sales have increased significantly in less than a month.

Everyone, never give up on X3 if you don't have any sales right now.

I mentioned earlier that the first button is important. If the settings are completely set up from the beginning, it is possible to respond very easily to various problems that will occur later.

Until now, it's a store that has been run at random...

How about getting to know them properly and getting started with me in the future?

Class Kit · Coaching Session

1:1 coaching directly from Dongbi (2 sessions)

  • You can ask a total of 1 question per coaching ticket.
  • If you send us the URL of the store you are currently operating, the current situation, and the part that needs consulting, we will carefully analyze it and provide you with appropriate feedback.
  • Coaching tickets are answered in the order they are received.
  • The coaching ticket can be used for 20 weeks from the date of purchase.
  • If not used within the period, no refund will be given.
  • Coaching tickets can only be purchased for 10 people on a first-come, first-served basis. We hope that only those who need it will buy it.

📩 The kit is subject to some changes, and we will be fully informed if there are any changes.



Dongbi TV

Dongbi TV

This is Dongbi.

To have a nasty story

It didn't come.

The field of a typical advertising marketer is literally nothing more than an advertising area or anything less. And if I only stayed true to that role, I wouldn't be where I am now.

I always have a thirst for learning, and I hate hearing things that make me feel sorry more than anyone else.

Then it turned out People who watch my YouTube always describe me as “steamed.” I was preparing for a paid course like this, but can I really just talk about it?

For the first time in class 101, I would like to release the video I've been preparing to repay that grace.



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Notes on Copyright Protection
  • All videos and materials included in the class are protected intellectual property under relevant laws.
  • You may face legal action if you copy, distribute, transmit, modify or edit the videos or materials included in the class without permission.
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