
Child height growth and proper body shape solution with 'Mom Pilates Teacher'!

9 chapters · 3 hours 46 minutes
English · Japanese · Korean|Audio Korean

Pilates exercises
4 Class Projects

It takes about trimester hour(s) to complete each project.

  • Learn basic Pilates postures

  • Get into the habit of proper posture

  • Take a look at my body shape changes

  • Complete 4 Pilates movements

Skills You’ll Learn

Learn about Pilates

You'll learn what kind of exercise Pilates is and how to do basic breathing and movements.

Exercises to help you grow taller

Promote growth hormone secretion by increasing flexibility and muscle strength at the same time

Have fun with a gym ball!

I'm going to learn about cardio, strength training, and balance exercises using a gym ball.

Frequent postures and necessary exercises by age

I'm going to learn about the most common postures for each age group and exercises for the wrong body shape due to them.

Learn a lifelong attitude

I'm going to learn proper posture and stretching to maintain in my daily life.

Get to know the three major nutrients

Learn about the three major nutrients and learn cooking recipes to help you grow taller.

kids pilates,

Please make my child have a beautiful posture for a lifetime!

“Childhood habits are easily formed, whether in a good direction or in a bad direction.
But why don't you make an effort to create good habits in childhood, so you have to work hard to correct bad habits later? '
(Joseph Hubertus Pilates, 1934)

Normally, more than 70% of children take a posture with their stomach out (forward pelvic tilt). too There are also many children who sit on their knees or walk while dragging their feet. These wrong postures and patterns soon become a habit.

In the meantime, most of the members who came to me to learn Pilates were people who felt uncomfortable or complained of pain in their daily lives due to a wrong body shape.

Most causes of loss of body shape are a few years, decades, Caused by wrong habits that have been built up since childhoodIt was.

Pilates, which develops muscles that can hold proper posture even unconsciously,

Now that it's a growing season, a must for our kids! It's a necessary exercise.

There is also a golden time for growing tall!

We'll maximize your hidden potential for height growth.

The influence of genetics on height is only 23%.

Also, among the various acquired factors, managing posture and body shape through proper exercise and stimulation is the most important thing to be able to grow healthily!

From breathing methods to core exercises and diet methods for height growth, we present the most accurate roadmap for height growth that influences a lifetime.


Specializing in kids' pilates It's my own job.

I am a Pilates instructor and mother of one child.

When I began my career as a Pilates teacher, my first commitment was to “become a Pilates teacher for my child.”

As a mom who wants to do only what's good for my child, I'll take responsibility and teach you everything from the basics of Pilates to complex exercises with or without oxygen to help grow taller, and building the right body shape!

From breathing techniques to diet management!

Kids Pilates with a story

Kids' Pilates should be approached differently than adult Pilates.

In this class Correct posture according to children's daily livesLearn Essential exercises for proper body shape and height growthI will focus on. too Nutrients for healthy eatingIt also makes it easy for children to understand.

So that you don't have to force yourself to exercise hard and bothersome without even knowing why you should do it, so that you can feel that you should have the right posture in your daily life A memorable and fun story for kidsI will try to solve it with.

Real Student Testimonials

실제수강생 생생후기

In the meantime, while teaching many adults and children, I learned that Pilates is a very helpful exercise for our children, both physically and mentally.

Pilates is an exercise I do while constantly thinking about how my body moves Concentration, cognition, comprehension, endurance You can raise your back, and this Connect to study and everyday lifeIt could be.

The royal road of movement is steady!

Have fun exercising at the kids' eye level!

It's hard to understand, and it's not just about following actions

This is a class where children think and move on their own.

We have prepared a class where you can immerse yourself in watching a play as if you were watching a play.

In search of acquired factors for 70% height growth,

Total growth management starts with the right attitude!

Children's bones are more affected by exercise than adult bones, so new bone formation is possible even with low-intensity exercise (less load).

Therefore, continuous exercise increases bone density in growing children, and this can have a positive effect on the determination of bone mass, bone structure, and bone structure involved in height growth.

Things that affect being taller include nutrition, exercise, sleep patterns, and stress, and the most important of which are the most important Nutrition and exerciseI'll let you know about it!

I chose only core exercise positions!

An exciting workout time to start at home!

Children can hold their posture a little bit, and if they use their muscles, they can quickly return to proper body shape. Physical fitness and resistance exercises, which are exercises that affect core muscles and growthI'll let you know everything up to!

Now it's time to pretend to be an expert!

They're much better than adults!

CHALLENGE TIME filled with know-how unique to a teacher!

What I feel when I control my body and perform a certain movement sense of accomplishment,

Also, based on these positive experiences, you can gain confidence and take on challenges without giving up even when doing something else Perseverance and courageIt's going to happen!


You'll experience more than that!

A class that allows you to control your own body and use multiple muscles to create a single movementI'm going to do it!

Class Kit · Coaching Session

Able to improve quality

We will introduce additional components.

1. Melkin Grand Premium Gym Ball (45cm/ Choose 1 of 6 types)

It awakens proprioceptive senses and activates muscles one by one from deep in the center of our body.

2. NBR yoga mat wide size (thickness: 16 mm/ choose 1 of 4 types)

Placing a yoga mat can prevent interfloor noise and protect joints with a cushioned feel.

🚚 This is a shipping guide.

  • Depending on the availability of inventory, kit components may be shipped in place of other similar products.
  • For inquiries about product defects or incorrect delivery, please contact the Class 101 Customer Service Center.






Pilates instructor is my own person ^^

I was a mother of one child before I was a Pilates instructor

How can I keep my child in the right posture and grow well

I've always been thinking about it.

As I don't think there's an exercise as good as Pilates, I prepared this class thinking about various ways to make it easier for my kids to understand and get interested.

The founder of Pilates Joseph PilatesIs

How to breathe properly for children
Create the right habits
Even unconsciously
To be able to have a proper posture in everyday life
I emphasized education.

At most children's exercise education institutions

In a space where many children are at once

I can't fully focus on my body

Teacher, a method of following the actions of friends next to you

The class is in progress, but

You should think one more time about whether it really has any meaning other than moving your limbs.

Through exercise, my child

Control your body and mind by yourself,

Understanding one's own movements

Creating a proper posture

If you are a parent who wants

Let my kid try Pilates right now!

Pilatesis not just following an action,

Through the teacher's words

Exercise while constantly thinking about my movementsBecause it's winning

children's Cognition, Comprehension, and EnduranceNot only can you grow

Ability to control even the mindThis happened

Because I started when I was a kid

Maintaining proper posturetooth Like a habit It may be cut on the body.

From childhood to adulthood

Because of bad habits that have been built up over years, or even decades

So much so that you don't have to worry about correcting a wrong body shape My child's body and mind Develop in the right directionPlease make it possible for me to do it.

“Long live the right arm”
“Please lift your left leg to the side”
“Please stand with your feet gathered”

If you're a kid who can understand this sentence right now

He's a friend who can go on a journey with me :-)

Like a class for adults

Build up your spine one by one

The top of the head feels like someone is picking it out

More than the same words

My kids

To make it easier to understand

I'm going to prepare a fun class ^^



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  • All videos and materials included in the class are protected intellectual property under relevant laws.
  • You may face legal action if you copy, distribute, transmit, modify or edit the videos or materials included in the class without permission.
1201 North Market St. Suite 111, Wilmington, DE, 19801