
Getting ready for the wedding in one class! 11-year experience star wedding planner <industry tips for not losing loss>

14 chapters · 4 hours 27 minutes
English · Japanese · Korean|Audio Korean

Skills You’ll Learn

Understanding the overwhelming wedding preparation schedule

Wedding preparation order organized in chronological order, the time required for each

How to set a smart wedding budget

Make a budget by knowing right away what you can save and what you need to invest in

Book a Sudme that's right for you

Find the right shop by knowing when to make a reservation and what to consider when booking

Clearly divide the roles to be discussed

Share what we need to discuss with our parents or what we can decide

Self-wedding or wedding planner making the right decision for you

Know what the wedding planner prepares and what to consider when self-wedding

An accurate understanding of small weddings

Explain what a small wedding is and what you need to prepare for

Don't buy 1 million won for 1.5 million won
In a way that “works for us”
We'll show you how to prepare wisely.

Industry secret tips that nobody knew!

How to prepare for a wedding without losing money

There are a lot of things to prepare for marriage, and it takes a lot of money, but compared to that, there isn't much information released on the market. Specifically, I'll give you a clear summary of when to start preparing and how much budget you need! We will share all the know-how so that you can prepare for a wedding that costs tens of millions of won and finish it all at once with 200,000 won.

11 years of experience, more than 2,000 couples planning marriages

Wedding planners sought by celebrities

Hi, I'm Tommy, the star wedding planner. I have been responsible for wedding preparations for many people over the past 11 years, from celebrities that everyone knows even if their names are heard, to brides and grooms from various environments. As an industry expert, I want to exert a good influence by transparently disclosing little-known marriage information I joined Class 101.

Based on field experience,

The realistic & specific explanation I needed right away

I also run YouTube, but it's not easy to tell honest and realistic stories on YouTube. In the class, we plan to capture the experience of preparing more than 2000 weddings on site. I know exactly what the bride and groom are most curious about and need, so I can tell you exactly what information they just needed!

Do I have to have a wedding planner?
How do I start a small wedding?
Should I include all of the options?
I'll give you all the information you were curious about

Are parties preparing for a wedding these days?

Summarize the concepts of what to discuss with parents and what not

Even if you say “do whatever you want,” there is something you must ask. This is very important because if you omit that part without knowing it, you may blush at a wedding where you should be happy. I will summarize difficult concepts such as waste and judgment in an easy-to-understand manner, and clearly explain the concepts of what should and should not be discussed with the parents of both families.

Why do they fight while preparing to get married?

Role guidelines for withholding fights

How to prepare for the wedding the way the priest wants? That's not the case! The groom is also the protagonist of the marriage, so if you leave too many decisions to the bride, one side is bound to get tired and the other side frustrated. We will clearly distribute the roles from where to where and who should take on the role.

The definition of Sudme is misunderstood by 90%!

Tips for booking Sudme that's right for you

Sudme will bring together the best experts in each industry and point out the important points. From details that may be embarrassing if you don't know it on the day of the shoot, to super fun tips for choosing the right dress and hair makeup for your body and face! Have a once-in-a-lifetime wedding, prepare happily from beginning to end without loss.

Even if you have prepared a wedding fund, there's nothing you lose as much as the cost of going into unnecessary parts. What parts can you save, and what parts should you boldly invest in to have a wedding without regrets! A clear guide with just one classI'll do it for you.





Hello, I'm Tommy “Wedding Brother”, a professional wedding planner with 11 years of experience. He was the former head of iWedding, and has been planning celebrity weddings and wedding directing (planning) for more than 2,000 couples. How do you prepare for the wedding!? Let's dream of a special wedding of your own! We will reveal the story of the wedding world that no one else has brought out. Things to prepare for the brightest wedding day ★ National team soccer players Guja-cheol, Ji Dong-won, Lee Geun-ho, Kim Shin-wook, and Cho Won-hee wedding preparations ★ Major League players Ryu Hyun-jin, professional baseball players Na Sung-beom, Choi Jung, and Lim Hoon preparing for the wedding ★ Actors Choi Song Hyun, Park Jung-ah, VOS Park Ji-heon, comedian Yoo Sang-mu, etc. Preparation ★ Influencer Kim Min-young & Heart Signal Seo Ju-won (car racer) and love-catcher Jung Chan-woo & Lim Sung-hee falls in love with the song Preparing for the wedding ★ Wedding Brother - Wedding Planner, YouTuber, Brand Consultant







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