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Curious about content satisfaction?
I'll show you my actual e-book review.
As the reviews prove, many students are actually satisfied with this content and continue to look for it.
My blog for a realistic side job
What if there are 10 visitors?
Blogging is the simplest side job you can run without capital. Legal process, initial investment, etc. If you feel like it, you can pick up your phone and run it right away.
I want to see the profit from growing this blog properly. How can I get people to come to my blog?
That blog has a lot of visitors and is AdSense
I earn high profits, but why can't I?
In the blog world, tens of thousands of posts are published every day. What actions should I take to keep my blog alive in the blogging world, which is a sea of information? The starting point for all of these concerns lies in “keywords”.You all know that using 1 correct keyword is more efficient than using 100 incorrect keywords.
Well here it is,
The magic key "P - keyword”
I brought in the “P- keyword” to bring in your visitors to solve this problem. I've prepared over 100 examples for this class. It also includes a way to continuously generate “P-keywords” directly. I will move away from chasing golden keywords and universal keywords, and learn how to search for “P- keywords” on your own, and teach you techniques that you will use throughout your life. If you're not sure, try my method and make it with your own know-how.
What I learned about the “P-keyword”
It's a big opportunity for you
Among the “P-keywords,” P is a compound word of “Pareto rule,” that is, a compound word of the keyword Pareto rule+, which means the spelling 'P', which is the first part of the Pareto law. As I'll explain in detail in class, it's a classic law that has been applied to our daily lives without knowing it.
First, 20% of workers produce 80% of the work.
Second, 80% of value is achieved through 20% of effort.
Third, 20% of customers generate 80% of revenue.
If you apply this law, which seems difficult but too obvious, to profitable blogs, your blog can reach a successful profitable blog faster.
What if any of these apply?
✏️Those who want to earn as much as their salary through AdSense
✏️Those who want to increase the number of daily visitors to 500-1000 or more with an attractive title
✏️Those who want to earn money by blogging in their spare time
✏️Those who are always worried about keywords while blogging
If you have ever had the above thoughts at least once, I hope you will solve your problems through my lectures.
Does not end with “P - keyword”
Even titles that people come in spontaneously!
No matter how good the food is sold, if the signs are shabby, people will come in
Even if you hesitate to use a great keyword, if the title isn't appealing
Readers won't come in.
That's why we use an attractive title writing method that generates clicks from people
You should know about this, and you can get an answer from an incumbent copywriter about this.
It's a blog market where anyone can jump in, but not everyone can succeed. Take a step closer to a successful blog through “P - keyword”, which is the hidden know-how of profitable blogs!
Class Curriculum1
Class details
The 101AI class is designed so that AI can conduct classes on behalf of creators who have content. Learn the know-how of creators who unravel their own know-how while doing the work they love right now.
This lecture is by the writer of 'Lim Publishing Company' Keyword Know-How to Create the Most Cost-effective, Profitable Blog Part 1It was created based on '