
Luxury financial technology is attracting attention due to the recession. The secret to making money safely and securely!

7 chapters
English · Japanese · Korean|Audio Korean

Skills You’ll Learn

Secrets of the luxury goods retail market that no one told

We will tell you about the hidden structure of the luxury goods distribution market and financial technology methods

How to buy luxury goods cheaply and safely

We will tell you about luxury goods with many fake goods and scams, cheap and safe ways to buy them, and a list of companies and know-how

Choosing luxury goods for sale based on data

We will clearly analyze how to monetize luxury goods through sales data

Generating profit by outsourcing luxury goods sales

We will tell you how to entrust the sale of luxury goods and the process of generating revenue

Have you heard of “luxury finance”?

“There is no recession in the 'luxury market'”There is a saying. If it's booming, there's a lot of money, and if it's a recession, the luxury market is good because of scarcity. I mean, the economy is difficult “The price of luxury goods has dropped”I've never heard of it. Even luxury goods are several times higher than the rate of increase in prices every year “Shatech” “Role Tech”The word “came into being. As a result, there are also investors who specialize only in luxury goods technology. However, it is true that the market for “luxury goods technology” is getting bigger and bigger, and there are certain opportunities to make money in the future, but the problem is that it is a closed market with a high entry barrier and is open only to a few people. There aren't enough places to learn or learn properly here. That's why I created it. “Luxury financial technology” that even novice investors can learn easily and properly , I will inform you in a systematic manner.

Luxury financial technology that is easier than stocks

The basic of the basics of “luxury goods technology” is background knowledge about “luxury goods.” If you only know the right things about luxury goods You can do financial technology stably and steadily without worrying about being tied to money like stocks or real estate. Of course, luxury goods markets are full of scams and fake goods. However, if you know the right eyes to judge this, a market of opportunity opens up. It was a luxury goods market that was rarely disclosed, and only people who knew were able to invest and do business, but if you study properly, you can get an easier and more stable profit than stocks.

From fake goods controversy to sales routes

We will properly disclose the secrets of monetization of “luxury goods technology.”

We'll tell you how to solve the financial risks of luxury goods you think about, and how to become a reliable financial technology. If you participate in this class, you will be able to monetize luxury goods without being a seller. In addition to this, parts that only people in the industry know, even people in the industry don't know will be revealed. Start as a stable luxury financial investor with financial technology rather than luxury goods consumption Learn the secrets of stable monetization!

What makes this class special

❶ This is the first “luxury financial technology” course

Until now, there has never been a place that has told us in such detail about luxury goods technology. This is because luxury goods distribution was a secret area, and it is a blue ocean market that only people who know can do it. This class is the first “luxury goods financial technology” course, and we will teach you the easiest and most convenient way to do luxury goods financial technology. Get the best investment opportunities with me

❷ “The secrets of luxury goods business are unraveled” e-book rating 4.9

eBooks “Unraveling the secrets of luxury goods business“After reading, many people are on the path to success with me. A rating of 4.9 proves its worth.

▲ “The secrets of luxury goods business are unraveled” review

Course effect

  • I will tell you about the luxury goods market that no one told you about.
  • We will show you how to make reliable luxury goods financial technology without being bothered by fake goods
  • As a stable luxury financial investor, we pave the way for luxury sellers with additional profits

Recommended target

  • Those who want financial technology that is safer than stocks and more reliable than real estate
  • Those who want to generate profits from luxury goods rather than luxury goods consumption
  • A person who is an employee but wants to generate additional income

Class Kit · Coaching Session

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더 많이, 더 자세히, 더 깊은 명품사업 노하우를 오픈하였습니다.

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명품 사업

이 책 보고 나서


명품 구매대행부터 도매사입/판매까지 한번에!

명품사업 ‘업계사람만 아는 진짜 비밀 노하우’를 담았습니다.

도움안될시 100% 환불

국내 명품시장은 15조원이며, 온라인 명품시장 성장률은 20%가 넘습니다.

명품 플랫폼 발란, 트렌비, 머스트잇이 서로간 치킨게임을 하며 판을 키우고 있으며

현재 명품구매 고객은 많은데, 그에 비해 판매자가 적으므로 기회의 시장이기도 합니다.

그러나, 명품판매를 시작하려 해도

어디에서도 명품사업관련 정보를 쉽게 찾아보기가 어렵습니다.

명품업계 특성상 폐쇄적이고, 제한적이며, 노하우를 공유하지 않기 때문입니다.

명품사업 관심있어서 알아보더라도 600만원이 넘는 교육비를 받는 곳도 있으며

또한, 사업적으로 리스크가 높은 유럽 현지 바잉을 추천하는 업체도 있습니다.

모르면 코베이는 시장이 명품시장이며,

컨설팅이라며 큰돈을 요구하는 업체도 아직까지도 있습니다.

업계사람들만 알고있던 비밀 정보를 담아 공개합니다.

그동안 명품사업을 하면서 경험하며 알게 된 노하우까지 해당 소책자에 담았습니다.

정말 제대로된 정보로 제대로된 명품 사업을 할 수 있도록 도움이 되고자 만든 책입니다.

이런 분들께 본 책을 권합니다.

명품 창업에 관심이 있으신분

명품 구매대행/병행수입 판매에 관심이 있으신분

명품 사업을 통해 수익화 하고 싶은 분

명품 도매사입 및 판매 노하우를 알고 싶은분

명품사업에 대해서 정확히 A-Z 까지 알고 싶은분

명품사업을 시작했으나, 수익을 못내시는 분

총 136 PAGE

2021.11.15 초판 98page

2022.06.02 1차 개정판 133page

2022.09.01 2차 개정판 136page


■ 프롤로그 - 유럽바잉부터 명품 도매몰까지

■ ​대중화된 명품시장이 판을 키우다

■ 명품 플랫폼간 치열한 전쟁 그리고 기회​

■ 소수만 알던 명품 유통구조를 파헤쳐 보자!

​■ ​명품 사업은 본질은?

■ ​구매대행, 병행수입 그것이 뭔데?

■ ​​명품 구매대행 이것만 알면돼!

> 가격경쟁력 확보하는 방법

> 대량 상품 등록 및 업무자동화 방법

■ ​악성 재고되는 명품, 꾸준히 팔리는 명품

> 초보자도 알 수 있는 상품 고르는 노하우

> 도매사입시 마진 계산방법

> 스마트스토어 상위노출을 위한 최저가 설정 방법

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> 제대로된 도매공급처 확인 방법

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> 믿을 수 있는 부티크 업체 찾는방법

■ ​어디다 팔 것인가?

> 명품플랫폼간의 차이점 과 전략

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> 구매전 자주묻는 질문과 답변

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> 특이사항 및 컴플레인 응대방법

■ 매치스럭스 도매몰 완벽 활용법

> 명품 사업을 쉽고, 편리하게!

> 상품경쟁력 부족 해결법

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> 업무효율을 높이는 솔루션

■ 명품 사업의 비밀을 풀며…

#명품창업 #명품판매법 #명품도매사입 #명품부업 #전자책


Class Curriculum1

Luxury financial technology is attracting attention due to the recession. The secret to making money safely and securely!

Class details

October 27, 2022 수강 시작
Rookie Difficulty · Video 18 · Attached file 0
총 0 minutes
Korean voice
Korean · English · Japanese Subtitles




Hallo I'm Eddie, a luxury businessman. I went to Europe 8 years ago Starting with a hand carry where you buy directly, you can buy in parallel with a purchasing agency, and now you are running a luxury wholesale platform called “Match Thrux”. In the luxury goods business, we have created a luxury goods monetization system with know-how gained directly from “a to z”. Many people want to do luxury goods business, but they can't get into it because they don't know the know-how. How can I do it easilyI will clearly tell you how it is possible to generate revenue from luxury goods technology in a luxury goods market that cannot be reached by crabs.

🛫 Biography

  • (Korea) CEO of Dyla Co., Ltd.
  • Director of BULLANSEO SAS Corporation (France)

Luxury businessman with experience in local buying/parallel import/luxury goods wholesale platforms

- Match Lux luxury goods B2B wholesale platform operation

- Quality assurance solution Luxray service operation

📜 Patent application: Method for providing a history management guarantee service 10-2022-0089384

📚 Books

  • The secrets of luxury goods business are unraveled. (2021)
  • The Temptation of Covert Marketing (2013)



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  • All videos and materials included in the class are protected intellectual property under relevant laws.
  • You may face legal action if you copy, distribute, transmit, modify or edit the videos or materials included in the class without permission.
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