
User Research: All about user research practices optimized for discovering user insights

8 chapters
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Skills You’ll Learn

Understanding user research job groups

User research can find out what kind of job they do

Understanding the core scope of research work

Understand the concept of Research Core & Ops

Hands-on experience - quantitative research

Experience the process of setting and performing frequently encountered quantitative research topics

Hands-on experience - Qualitative research

Experience the process of setting and performing frequently encountered qualitative research topics

한국 스타트업에 확실하게 먹히는 리서치 방법

▶ ︎ A reliable research method for Korean startups

To understand the needs of our users

UX research, the surest way

As the IT platform-centered startup ecosystem grows, the importance of user-centered product development is growing day by day.

In order to understand what users want and create products based on it, “An effort to go beyond thinking from the user's point of view, to hear directly from the user and see behavior”It must be there.

유저 리서처 뜻

▶ ︎ User research

① What kind of user ② Listening to a story ③ How do you interpret it(Research Core)Depending on this, the results of the research may vary. Also, how do UX researchers operate in the process of listening to users' stories for research(Research Operation)Depending on this, the user's view of our service may also change.

You must experience it, but no one has ever told you about it properly,
Able to develop both Research Core competencies and Research Operation competencies
The only user research class in Korea.


Head of the Kanda User Insights Team

This is research processing.

Hello, I'm a business user researcher and a researcher who runs a YouTube channel that provides information about user surveys.

  • (Current) Head of Kanda User Insights Team
  • (Former) Today's House Senior User Officer
  • (Former) New Market User Promoter
  • (Former) Classom UX Classics

I went through various startups and thought about what research the organization really needed,
As a team leader, I conducted several UX research interviews
The competencies I want practitioners to work with me to have are becoming more and more clear.
These are Research Core competencies and Research Operation competencies.

Based on my 10-year project experience,
So that you can definitely gain both competencies
I have prepared for this class.

“I'm not a UX Researcher,

Can I help? “

There are probably a lot more startups that don't have a separate UX research team. Even if there is a UX research team, in most cases it has been created or the number of team members is small. In these organizations, UX designers and PMs often meet and interview users directly and organize the content. In that case, this class will be of great help so that you can easily conduct high-quality research.

Therefore, even if you are not a UX Research Officer, having both the Core Competencies and Operation Competencies that are essential for carrying out research will be a powerful weapon for drawing a J-curve in your career.

Competencies essential for carrying out UX research,

Core+ Operation

Most user research courses focus only on core research competencies. However, the role of a research scientist does not end with research design. Since the first impression of our service is represented by a research person who meets the user directly, we must meet the user, draw out the user's story naturally, and have the operational ability to operate without a hitch.

리서치 코어 역량

▶ ︎ Research core competencies

Every job as a research worker is a series of judgments. They present methodologies based on various business cases and learn how to design research well through optimal judgment.

리서치 코어 역량

리서치 오퍼레이션 역량

▶ ︎ Research operations competency

Research operations competencies that are as important as research core competencies. This is an area where it is difficult to learn or experience the work cycle if you have not experienced practical work. If you are a junior, you will study the research operations tasks that must be carried out by looking through all of the courses before, during, and after the interview.

리서치 오퍼레이션 역량

Does just listening to explanations make it mine?

Quantitative/qualitative research practice thoroughly learned through projects

정량/정성조사 실무

정량/정성조사 실무 결과물

Experience the professional UX Analytical Research Process work cycle by performing virtual quantitative and qualitative research. They have the strategic/logical mindset of UX researchers by directly considering and carrying out research from design to execution and analysis of results.

1 ️ Quantitative Research

To the user among several concepts

Identify the most responsive concepts

[STEP 1. design]

  1. Research background, purpose, RQ settings
  2. How to present a concept - Discrete Choice vs Monadic Sequential
  3. Concept material preparation/production
  4. Designing survey questions
  5. Selection and selection of survey subjects

[STEP 2. Enforcement]

  1. Questionnaire execution

[STEP 3. analysis]

  1. Analysis of survey results

2 ️ Qualitative research

To improve product selection usability

Assess purchasing decision factors

[STEP 1. design]

  1. Research background, purpose, RQ settings
  2. Selection and selection of interviewees
  3. Create interview guidelines

[STEP 2. Enforcement]

  1. Interview moderation

[STEP 3. analysis]

  1. Analysis of interview results

I will put the project into my own portfolio,

UX Researchers' Portfolio Know-How

UX 리서처의 포트폴리오 노하우

① From the perspective of reviewing the portfolios of dozens of people as an interviewer, and ② with the know-how of research processing that has passed one of the leading global unicorn companies Here's how to create the most attractive portfolio.

What is the portfolio of UX Research and UX Designer

There must be a clear difference.

UX 디자이너의 포트폴리오 특징

A portfolio of UX research and UX designer that can be confusing! Aren't you only organizing your portfolio from the design side? We will look at how to structure a portfolio from two perspectives, what competencies should be revealed in a UX researchers' portfolio.

User research is a job group that requires logical thinking, the ability to generate persuasion, and empathy in order to discover necessary insights from users from the perspective of a product manufacturer.

Through my class, user research has some concerns,
I would like you to know what competencies they use to conduct research
Class Kit · Coaching Session

💌 Resurfacing1:1 coaching ticket (1 time, 2 questions)

Two questions per coaching ticketYou can do it.

  • 30 minutes for 1 question ZOOM real-time non-face-to-face coaching
  • If you ask questions in as much detail as possible, we will be able to answer them more accurately.

1) Consulting on research careers

- We can provide resumes, portfolio reviews, or overall direction coaching for those considering a research career, such as user research and marketing research

2) Share actual research cases

- I will share examples of actual research conducted in the past for various industries and user groups, and explain the research design, execution, and analysis process at that time along with data.

3) Introduction to methodologies for deepening research

- In addition to those introduced in this class, there are more advanced research methodologies. Let me tell you what advanced methodologies have been used in practice.

4) Essential SQL concepts and grammar that user research should know

- Even if it's not as much as a data analyst, I'll tell you about minimal SQL queries that increase work efficiency if user researchers know it.

5) An in-depth look at the MECE framework for analyzing interview results

- After the interview, a lot of information is collected. We'll share the most efficient way to organize results to organize this information in the most comprehensive way and without omissions

📌 How to use coaching tickets

  1. Click [My Classes] on the Class 101 web or app.
  2. Go to [My Class], go to [Coaching Ticket Mission] and click [Get Coaching].
  3. Please fill it out in [Write a post] and send it!
  4. Coaching is based on the date the question is received, and you will receive an answer within 7 to 10 days.

🚨 Coaching vouchers can be used for 20 weeks after the date of purchase, and there is no refund for unused use within the period.

📢 The package is subject to some changes, and we will be fully informed if there are any changes.

Class Curriculum1

User Research: All about user research practices optimized for finding user insights

Class details

Start date to be decided
Rookie Difficulty · Video 0 · Attached file 0
Korean voice




Hello, I'm a user research agent.

As the startup ecosystem grows, I feel that interest in user research jobs has also increased a lot. However, compared to increased interest, there seems to be a relative lack of information about this job group.

Based on many years of experience in user research, I have captured the concepts and work methods used in practice as much as possible in this class. After taking this class, I think you'll be able to fully experience the practice of a user research. I hope this experience will help you design your career.





User Research: All about user research practices optimized for discovering user insights

Notes on Copyright Protection

  • All videos and materials included in the class are protected intellectual property under relevant laws.
  • You may face legal action if you copy, distribute, transmit, modify or edit the videos or materials included in the class without permission.
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