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클래스 스토리15409개의 글

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After 1 point 2 and 2 points 2! When I thought about the theory that there were two vanishing points on both sides, it didn't take much time to sketch, but while drawing props, I thought about what to do with the big tree, and I was confused with the light and shade, so I referred to the reference work ^^; People around me are telling me to use a colored pencil, but I don't think I can touch it because I don't want to ruin it LOL It was the highest level of difficulty at my level! But I think I'll get the feel of it faster if I look at this drawing one by one. I've almost finished a sketchbook, but I've been looking at it so far, and I'm saying it with my own mouth without being humble, but it's getting better ^0^ It was a review from the mission, and it was a chance to learn again that the focus and the sense of accomplishment were at its peak, that I could unexpectedly experience a little bit of meticulousness and interest (architecture and street scenery) with the key word painting. I'm also taking a marker drawing course, but it's nice to see you again, Lini. It's an annual pass, so I'll come to review it if I'm out of touch. Thank you for the good lecture!!
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LOL. Is this a picture? You drew it so well as if you copied and pasted the picture💖 You're using the pen so well You're so good at controlling the pen's pen pressure and slope when expressing the material and intensity!😻 And two-point perspective... You expressed it perfectly! It must have been harder to draw because there were so many complicated elements in the design of this building, but you drew it yourself like this... I think your skills are at the highest level now🥳 How did you make the tree look so natural? As you said, even if you draw until the end, there are a lot of things you learn and learn! That's why I always emphasize that it's important to finish drawing whether it's killed or eaten. :-) I don't know if it's because I like to express my personal preference in detail. Your drawing is so my style!✨ Personally, I think it looks prettier without colored pencils Should I say that colored pencils go well with cute and cute pictures? Something cool like now? The painting has a great pen-only feel! Thank you so much for completing the last drawing like this, and I'm also very very proud :-) If you feel that it's loose while listening to other classes, please leave a lot of pictures here! I'll always give you feedback 😻 Thank you for following me passionately until the end 🧡
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Well;;It's hard;;I'll have to practice a lot;;
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댓글 4개 전체 보기
Wonderful 👍
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Oh... Argh! It's blinding... You drew it so well!!!!! Wow...
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Wow! You're good at drawing!
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Let's start with the ingredients we have at home. :) My heart starts pounding! I look forward to your kind cooperation.
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I'm glad you have everything you need at home!😻✨ Let's have fun learning from now on:-) Nice to meet you!
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When I used a pencil, the line was straight, but it was bent and overlapped with a pen. How could everyone do so well? But at first, I wanted to draw that, but now that I'm done, I'm proud.
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