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클래스 스토리6622개의 글

After graduating from high school, I put it off, and now I'm done...I have to change my procrastination personality, but I became lazy because of vacation.When I was bright and dark, pencil case was the easiest, but as I had to express wood texture while painting, pencil case became the most difficult. I used the background as I used it before, and I only gave the color to the shadow. If there's anything I need to fix, please give me feedback! Thank you for today's class.^^
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By Udon
Wow, you did a great!! That's a very delicate description.😱😱 And the line color also acts as a tone (light and dark) for paintings, so if it gets too light, it's not like that at all, Hyemin's paintings. You did a great job! There's almost no error, so it's kind of embarrassing to point it out. Compared to the picture, the foam ball has a stronger contrast and the pencil case feels slightly weaker. You don't have to modify this, just understand how the difference is in comparison with the eye!! :)
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Here's not a file, but an orange file in the class. Please keep that in mind~ (I was shoveling around too)
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Thank you.
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Thank you.
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Thank you!!! crying
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A summary while listening to the lecture?I've arranged it. I saw the other students. What is the most important thing when painting? "How much do you remember what I would draw?" That's how important knowledge, affection, and observation is. Copying a picture = Practice of observation the process of knowing the principles of the real world and learning them by hand. when you're mocking a plantation. What am I supposed to observe here? How do I use it? You must have an exact goal. Create an illusion to express 3D in 2D This requires perspective, contrast, and color skills. 1. perspective; perspective - Atmospheric perspective pale and faint with distance - Perspective perspective (line perspective) Space representation by loss point and slope of line This time, we will learn about perspective perspective. The principle is to draw as you see by distance based on me. One-point perspective (parallel): Action when the front of an object is close. Two-point fluoroscopy (incarnation): Action when the edge of an object is close. Both vertical lines are parallel. Both of them have lost points on the horizon, so you need to know where this line is. I can draw the right perspective. Based on the horizon, I can see if the object is up/down at my eye level. The two-point perspective, in which the front/side of an object can be seen together, is more three-dimensional and is more commonly used. The location of the horizon is closely related to the eye level of a person. horizon = eye level Three-point perspective : Horizon + vertical line loss points added based on the viewer's position If one or two point fluoroscopy is caused by the rotation of an object, three point fluoroscopy is caused by the tilt of an object. One or two-point perspective omits perspective by height, The most ideal part is the least distorted part. If you are close to the viewer, the distortion becomes severe. arrangement When the object's direction and the viewer's position are reversed in the area of one perspective, Loss points will also vary. The degree of distortion also changes as the location of the lost point changes. The closer the point of loss is, the more distorted it becomes, and the farther it is, the less it is. The perspective is just a means of conveying the intent of the painting. Painting for perspective can be physically exhausting and make the picture rigid and awkward. Application Don't try to understand it in theory, but understand it and master it by drawing it in practice. So the next lecture!!!
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