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Hello, Gypsy writer! This time, I'm here to compare before and after photos and reviews 😆 ✅ What did you lack before taking the course? I couldn't draw a person who was like a human. I drew it like a cartoon character I drew when I was in elementary school. I want to draw it in a realistic and pretty way, but it's hard to draw. So even if I like drawing, I don't think I did. ✅ How is it calibrated? I just followed Gipsy's lecture and drew along a river, so it naturally became proofread. This is what I drew?! I was so surprised and happy that I could draw it like this. ✅ What was still difficult when you drew after class? I think it was the hardest to draw glossy and smooth hair. (You think I've mousse all over my hair?When I drew each strand of hair, I was a bit annoyed and frustrated because it didn't go my way, but I was trying to make it fun. But if I paid attention to it, I emptied my mind and drew it without thinking. Based on the viewer's standards, I did my left hair first and did my right. If I look to the left and look to the right, doesn't it seem like I'm getting better?(Sudden hope 😁) ✅ What else was difficult? It was difficult to make a symmetry between the face and the features. And if you look at the whole thing in the middle, the length of the ears are different, the shape of the eyes are different, the nose is down, the mouth is tilted to one side... That after-picture also went through plastic surgery once or several times in the middle. Especially, I think I drew my nose long, so it took me a long time to erase it and redraw it. fi ✅ What else do you want to say? It took me hours to draw one, and the writer is amazing to draw it in 40 minutes. It was so much fun to draw afterwards that I didn't know time was going by until dawn. I was very satisfied right after I drew it. But when I woke up in the morning, I felt awkward and sad. I think I can't see the end if I keep changing it, so I'm going to take a picture of the side light. ✅ Last thing I want to say to the writer Isn't my review impressive, writer?Oh, and when I was drawing after, I used to look in the mirror to draw my eyes. Do I look like them?fifi (Instagram @peachy_u_@bd_peachy please come visit ☺fi) Oh, the last one! I was taking this class, and when I applied, there was an event where I gave my own autograph of coloring book, postcard, and transparent card. Should I have applied for the lecture at this time 🤣 I really want a transparent bookmark, where can I get it? Thank you for reading this long review and giving me this great lecture. Writer 🥰💕
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