찾으시는 취미가 있나요?

Hello! I'm a college student, Gong Yoo, who is spending a long winter vacation. I've really wanted to take this class since it opened, but I heard about the surprise discount coupon and came to take it today! At the end of November of 2018, I drew an orgel from the video of the writer's desk introduction and posted it on Instagram. Do you remember? Since I was a high school student, I have been interested in making goods, so I made rice cake memory and stickers. Now, I started my vacation in the first half of 2020 with a world view of "Cherry Moon Banggu" and made round stickers, mini cards, and business cards! I'm going to make a second-half calendar based on the worldview before the class starts, and I think this class will create a good synergy! I've had a few print experiences, but I'm still in the process of trial and error, and I thought I needed to study printing in my future work, but I'm so happy to hear that! I also want to achieve my goal of participating in a stationery event with my goods in two to three years! I don't know if I can make goods because I will be busy in many ways when the semester starts. I try to work on it from time to time to time. I wanted to go to Seoilpe this time and see the writer. I'm so happy that I can meet you online! I feel more emotional because it's a class taken by a role model. Please take good care of me during the class from now on!
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