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클래스 스토리1479개의 글

a chocolate cream. I liked it the most. Time, effort, sweat, and pouting. It's very difficult and difficult because it's big. It was a work, but the satisfaction was great. I'm done with the chocolat binding, and my right shoulder. It hurts a lot. I put on a patch. But I'm so happy when I see you. After the holidays, the chocolate cream I want to make another book. I had so much fun binding every single step by step. The past time I spent with Bookbinding, It was full of joy. To your teachers. A beautiful time that I'll never forget in the spirit of the Lord Thank you very much. Woody notes are pretty, too. But the binding that connects me to the cover... I didn't get it. Maybe it's because I've only seen it twice. I don't know if I can understand more. I'd like to bind a woody note. It's a pretty design. Thank you for the time we spent together.
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Ah~ I really like traditional Oriental binding.^^
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Wow! I can't believe you're so full, the chocolate cream is so firm and firm. Unfortunately, I think it's time to go down the mountain. Thanks to So-hee's warm message through reviews and text messages, there have been many happy, overwhelming, and proud moments as a bookbinding person. I sincerely thank you for that. I know how hesitant it is to try something new because I want to do something. Maybe that's why I'm so happy to hear that I've completed the challenge so well. I want to give them endless applause. I will continue to research and develop new paper and notes and share how to bind them. If you say hello to me every time, I'll say hello to you too! Thank you so much for spending time with me too! Wooden notes are easier to bind than chocolate cream notes, so I'm sure you can do it well. If you have any questions, feel free to ask!
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I'm drawing a trip. As I draw, there is no drawing note that is commercialized and sold. I wanted to draw by weaving it into the paper and form that I wanted. It's about my own travel story in my drawing notebook. That's why I'm looking forward to the next class.^^
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I can't wait to hear that it's a travel drawing note. On the paper you want, you can make notes in the actual color you want on the cover you want. I'm sure you'll be very satisfied. I wonder what pictures will be filled in the notebook! One day, make sure to share your travel drawing notes with us as well! I'll be waiting. ^^
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I've been reading a book since I started to bind to that paper fan, and I've bought it if I like it.
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A paper fan! I agree. I'm refraining these days, but the world of paper is so attractive and colorful.
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Please recommend a paper shopping mall for bookbinding. Can I know the name of the paper for short note covers?
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