찾으시는 취미가 있나요?

클래스 스토리2865개의 글

1. How much capital do you need to take your class? I know that the more money you have, the more you want to buy and advertise, but I ask because I don't have enough money. 2. How many hours should I spend at least? I know it's good to spend a lot of time, but I can't spend a lot of time because I'm an office worker and a side job. 3. How long will it take to pay the minimum net profit of 1 million won? I know it's different for everyone, but I' 4. Amazon, what is the most important thing to make money on eBay? 5. What would you do first if you were in the position of introducing Amazon/Ebay reverse direct buying? 6. What's your mental management secret? 7. What would you like to say to the new students?
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This is probably a question most students would be curious about to take Locumi's class. 1. What is the net return on capital? 2. If anyone learns easily, does the income from reverse direct purchase require constant competition from others? 3. I'm curious about other things besides the good things about earning money. Thank you.
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I'm curious as well:)
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Can I sell the existing brand product, that is, the road shop product you mentioned? Don't you get caught in copyright or sales laws? That's what I'm most curious about.
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댓글 1개 전체 보기
I'm curious too. Wait for your answer.
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Are you not going to give feedback on the comments?ㅠㅠ You can't leave all of them, but I'd appreciate it if you could read the most favorite comments and answer them.
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Hello:) I wrote this down in my 2-2 class note, and I'll answer one more time! ---- I'm afraid of brand copyright violations!> In addition to image copyright theft, the seller is naturally responsible for infringing intellectual property rights, such as trademark forgery, patent functional theft products, imitations, and detailed image theft. In addition, most famous global brands have copyright contracts with one company per country, and if they violate them, they often cause issues because they violate the sole rights of the "one company" in Korea. For example, there could be Disney or miffy. However, for all brands, copyright, copyright, and regulatory scope are all different for each brand. Domestic brands are not as regulated as foreign brands, but they may or may not be subject to sales sanctions for various reasons, such as breaking market prices of their brands, price standards, or restricting sales channels for internal reasons. At this time, the way for the initial seller to check 100% is, of course, the most accurate way to ask the head office, but in reality, there are some limitations to confirm and contract all products to the headquarters. Nevertheless, if you don't like the 1% anxiety, you have to contact the head office or the distributor and make an official contract, which I think will be the choice of a personal seller. I think it is the most accurate in reality to tell the customer that we are an overseas online seller when we sign a contract and get the issues and guides for each product sale. In the case of famous brand products, I also did a lot of market research in advance by checking whether other sellers who deal with the same brand/product are on the platform, whether there is a problem with sales, and checking with the customers who are purchasing it once more. Also, the initial domestic cosmetics products were directly from the road shop owner, so we sold them without much worry.
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I was worried because it was a red ocean. If I know it through a joke, it's over. Let's not do it because it's a success. I was afraid, but I'm trying to act with sincerity. I'm breaking away from the idea that I can be the one who can and can't be the one who can't, and I'm thinking about it until I can.
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