찾으시는 취미가 있나요?

1. Main character They return because they are doomed, their lives are hard, they fail, they are in an accident, or they die. Most of them are poor when they return, and even though they were good at studying or talented, they give up their dreams because of their family circumstances. Parents get sick because of poverty or die in the indifference of the main character. 2. Deployment Shortly after the main character returns to his regression career, he seems to have a tremendous talent, which solves everything like a munchkin. Knowing the future, the main character succeeds in the chances that he has failed or missed. I always take care of my family. To the people around you (in places like work or school) Be recognized. 3. Supporting actor Revenge or water a person who has been associated with bad relations in the past. Those who were rivals in the past or had little relationship with each other become helpers in this life. Other than family members, there are people who unconditionally support or help the main character.
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