찾으시는 취미가 있나요?

1. Main character/supporter The main character in the beginning looks normal, but as the story progresses, unexpectedness is found, and the people around him are attracted to it. For example, if you are possessed by a villain in ice water, people gather around you because of your previous notoriety and different appearance, which leads to a big story. Some use the main character's ability or find another job that they never thought of. In some cases, characters who are not the main characters are more popular. In the case of these characters, they don't appear often and appear intermittently, which seems to make readers more anxious. 2. Content Episodes 1 and 2 mostly begin as fatal events for regression/icing/reincarnation, and the last recognizes that after regression/ice/reincarnation, it is indeed the situation in which it is in itself. Since then, the main character usually solves the case pleasantly using the situation/book contents that he/she knew in the first episode, and the surrounding characters find out something different or different from the past and fall into the main character's charm. 3. Personality and Sentences In the case of using the first person's perspective and showing the unexpected appearance of the main character, the person may use the other person's perspective. A sentence is a concise composition with few modifiers. It seems to reduce descriptions that are likely to get boring by using game windows, grades, and titles to make them easier to read.
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