찾으시는 취미가 있나요?

[Ready in] You come in expecting a story that the overall content of a novel can be found through a compressed title. It seems that there are quite a few cases where you are attracted by a nice illustration cover. [Return / Ice / Reincarnation] When the protagonist ends his or her life in an accident, he or she becomes possessed or reincarnated by a novel or game character, After unfair death, the story often progresses while returning. It seems that there are many readers who are cliché who give various fun in web novel works, and at the same time welcome works that do not have these elements. [Background] Even though the fantasy world view was not real, the overall background of the time is often set in the Middle Ages. Identity society is mainly dealt with. At this time, readers were more satisfied with the work that was well documented in the Middle Ages. [Character] Most of the main characters are aristocrats or higher, and they have all the power, wealth, and ability. Fantasy literally reflects many of the readers' ideal types in the characters in the work. So even if you draw a medieval social status in the background of the novel, The characters in it prefer to have modern enterprising and open tendencies, and in the opposite case, readers are very disappointed. [Sentences and Flows] In general, the sentence is short and concise. And no matter how interesting it is, readers feel very uncomfortable when it becomes less readable. It is mainly focused on events, and the longer the character's monologue or explanation, the more readers dislike it. The main character's crisis is short and intense, and readers dislike it if the sweet potato section is too long. And it makes you drink Sprite very cool inside. If it is not as pleasant as expected, readers will be disappointed.
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